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"Well, here it is, and its name is Compromise! Either compromise, or the wow-wow house. We won't force the issue; you must decide nicely, without being pressed one way or the other. But these are the facts: you're sailing on an American yacht; Jack's the owner, Gates is captain, I'm the boss. We're hoping to overhaul the Orchid, board her, capture the princess, and all that. Then for one entire week Jack's to have an uninterrupted tête-

Clapperton tells us that the people of Wow-wow are famous for their cleanliness; they are cheerful, benevolent, and hospitable. No other people whom he had met with had been so ready to give him information about their country; and, more extraordinary still, did not meet with a single beggar.

It was just at this moment that Beautiful-Lovely, the Wolf Hound, muzzled lifted, eyes rolling, jabbed his shrill nose into space and harmony with a carol of his own, octaves of agony, Heaven knows what of ecstasy, that would have hurried an owl to its nest, a ghoul to a moving picture show! "Wow-Wow Wow!" caroled Beautiful-Lovely. "Ww ow Ww ow Ww Oo Wwwww!"

Under various titles and at various times, Bromham Rhodes' and R. P. de Parys' first act had been refused by practically every responsible manager in London. As "Oh! What a Life!" it had failed to satisfy the directors of the Empire. Re-christened "Wow-Wow!" it had been rejected by the Alhambra. The Hippodrome had refused to consider it, even under the name of "Hullo, Cellar-Flap!"

You see that I've hinged a pane of winder-glass and hitched it to a bevelled stick that tips inward. Cat gets up on the sill outside and meows. Dog runs to the winder and stands up to see, and puts his paws on the stick because it's his nature for to do so. Pane tips in. If it's our cat, dog don't stop her comin' in. If it's a strange cat br-r-r, wow-wow! Off she goes!" Mr.

As this place was not far from Wow-wow, Richard Lander sent a message to the king of that town, who, however, declined to deliver the canoe which had been purchased of him. The messenger failing in his purpose, the brothers were compelled themselves to visit the king, but as they expected, they got only evasive answers.

Yet another weird chant they have for the dawning before they steal quietly away from the offing of the camp a wild, weird, squalling refrain: Wow-wow- wow-wow-wow-w-o-o-o-o-o-o-w. again and again; and doubtless with many another change that man cannot distinguish any more than the Coyote can distinguish the words in the cowboy's anathemas.

If you must be a busybody say that. I'm through." But that was not Jones' idea of the game and he out with it. "I'll do nothing of the kind." "Won't you?" Lennox retorted. He had remained seated. But rising then, he looked at the keeper, motioned at Jones. "If that man asks for me again, say I'm out." Jones laughed. "Wow-wow, old cock! I wish I could have said that but I probably shall.

Venning dropped the glass, and he and Compton stood looking from the island to the old hunter, who seemed to know every point in the game better than they could follow through the glasses. "Ah, it is well. They tear the branches from the canoe. They row straight for the island. The white man jumps the men tumble out wow-wow! the bull takes the canoe in his jaws.

Drunkenness is a prevalent vice in Wow-wow: governor, priests, laymen, men and women, indulge to excess in palm wine, in rum brought from the coast, and in "bouza." The latter beverage is a mixture made of dhurra, honey, cayenne pepper, and the root of a coarse grass eaten by cattle, with the addition of a certain quantity of water.