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Wot you say is that it's morally imposs'ble for a crew sich as us to travel over two thousand miles of ocean on three casks o' biscuit and a barrel o' salt junk. Wot I say is that we can, an', moreover, that morals has nothin' to do with it wotsomediver. Now, wot then?" Tim Rokens paused and looked at Gurney, to whom his remarks were addressed, as if he expected an answer.

Moreover, I eats no more dan a babby 'sep wen I's hungry an' I'll foller you, massa, troo tick and tin to de Nort Pole, or de Sout Pole, or de East Pole, or de West Pole or any oder pole wotsomediver all de same to Butterface, s'long's you'll let 'im stick by you."

"Have 'e any notion what course we're steerin'?" inquired Bill. "None wotsomediver," answered Ben. Soon after that, however, the sky cleared a little, and Bill got sight of part of the constellation of the Great Bear. Although the pole-star was not visible, he guessed pretty nearly its position, and thus ascertained that the breeze came from the south-west.

The miner laughed at the remark, and, leaping out of the hole, did his best to answer the many questions that were put to him in a somewhat excited tone by the party. "Where's the gold?" inquired Jones, gravely, going down on his knees at the side of the excavation, and peering into it. "I don't see none, wotsomediver."

Captain Dunning took one or two hasty strides across the floor, as if he were pacing his own quarterdeck then stopped suddenly and said "Can you get hold of any more of that boat's crew?" "I can do nothin' more wotiver, nor say nothin' more wotsomediver, till I've tasted that 'ere tipple of yourn."

The man smiled, and wiping his mouth with the cuff of his jacket, as if he expected the captain was, then and there, about to hand him a glass of the tipple referred to, said "No objection wotsomediver." "Then follow me; I'll take you to the place where I put up sometimes when I'm ashore. It's not far off."

As he spoke, a tall spire was seen to slip from its position, topple over, and go crashing down into a dark blue gulf of ice below it. "No chance of success now," said Benjamin Vane, gloomily. "None wotsomediver," muttered Butterface, his broad black visage absolutely elongated by sympathetic despair. For, you must know, as far as his own feelings were concerned, sympathy alone influenced him.

"What say you to the first half Ravonino?" "As you please," replied the outlaw, who was already too much absorbed with steaks to look up. "Not a bad notion," said Hockins. "Sam'l Ravonino I've heerd wuss; anyhow it's better than the entire complication eh, Ebony?" "Mush better," assented the negro; "dere's no use wotsomediver for de hitri hitri-folderol-ony bit of it.

"And what's words," retorted the cook, in supreme contempt, "but the expression o' sintiment, widout which there wouldn't have bin nuthin' wotsomediver in the univarse? Sintiment is the mother of all things, as owld Father O'Dowd used to say to my grandmother whin he wanted to come the blarney over her.

"Now, then, lads; hold on steady!" says Dick, getting in, "for fear you hurt the babby. This is the first time that Dick Shales has appeared on any stage wotsomediver in the character of a woman!" Dick smiles in a deprecating manner at his little joke as they haul him off the wreck.