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Updated: August 18, 2024

In a world-weary, cynical tone he asserted, "Women don't interest me." "What ails you to-day?" Laure inquired, curiously. "Nothing. I'm not much of a ladies' man, that's all." "Yes, you are. Anyhow, you were last night." "I was all tuned up, then," he explained. "That's not my normal pitch." "Don't you like me as well as you did?" "Why certainly." "Is there another woman?"

Confronting the duke of Aumale on the Morocco borders, he made a gallant fight, but lost half his best men in warding off an attack of the Mencer Kabyles. Fatigued now with a long effort against overwhelming pressure, and world-weary, he met the duke at Nemours, on the sea-coast close to the Morocco line.

Gradually her maternal heart attributed to her John alone the desire of the world-weary earthly pilgrim to lay aside the purple and return to Spain. Though Barbara at this time rarely left her own fireside, her husband might often have wished that she would return to the conduct of the previous winter, for he perceived the torturing anxiety which was consuming her.

When I landed feebly on September 28, 1897, and crawled up on the beach beyond the datum of the most recent high tide to throw myself prone on the consoling sand I was worn, world-weary, and pale, and weighed 8 st. 4 lb. Now my weight is 10 st. 2 lb., and my complexion uniformly sun-tinted.

But that was not this person, seated before him in the same garments and with the same general blondness. That person had been a girl. This time the transformation was not into the sweet innocence of lovely childhood, but into something incredibly different. He was gazing now at a woman, a beautiful world-weary woman, one who had known the joys and then the sorrows of life and love.

The yearnings of love cannot be stifled; for we miss the loving clasp of white arms the soft pressure of fresh lips the prattle and smile that were music and light to our world-weary hearts; our hand moves in vain for a resting-place on the golden head; yet we feel, we know that "it is well with the child," for we see how much of woe she has escaped; how much of bliss she has gained; a home with the sinless; the companionship of angels for ETERNITY. Blessed one!

Dextrous feelers were put forth seawards, and it was only when these were repulsed that the French negotiators encased themselves in their preliminaries. The task of reducing those articles to a definitive treaty devolved, on the British side, on the Marquis Cornwallis, a gouty, world-weary old soldier, chiefly remembered for the surrender which ended the American War.

They were led through a soundless hall, and up stairs so thickly carpeted that the feet sank in as in new-fallen snow, and finally they were ushered through a small painted door into a small painted room, which had been brought all the way from Sienna, and there they found Mrs. Dawson a beautiful, worn, world-weary Mrs.

This thought persisted with her until she and her following of baggage-laden pages drew up before the desk, but it fell from her with a crash when she encountered the aloof, impersonal, world-weary regard of the presiding clerk. In all Marjorie's happy life she had never met anything but welcome.

Still she asked: "And the other things you meant other women?" "Yes, and no." "Why no?" "Because I have deceived nobody not even myself and Heaven knows I tried that hard enough." "That was one?" she added, smiling. "I thought you knew me better than to ask such a question." Again Judith smiled scanning him closely. "No, you aren't so very old nor world-weary, after all." "No?" "No.

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