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The Socialist factions meanwhile were engaged in an apparently interminable controversy upon theoretical and tactical questions in which the masses of the working-people, when they began to stir at last, took no interest, and which they could hardly be supposed to understand.

In fact, I rather thought you merely took her up out of charity. Every one in Chelton knows that the Thayers are just poor working-people." That was too much for Cora. She stepped to the door of the tea-room with dismissal in her manner. He knew she intended him to leave at once. "But what I want to know," he said, deliberately following her, "is just who this Thayer girl is.

The Church, too I mean the great Catholic Church, formed of all the branches of our Christianity "who love the Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity" must open its arms with a heartier tone of welcome and brotherhood to the tried and disheartened working-people. Nothing in recent art has stirred me so deeply as a dim copy of Hacker's "Christ and the Magdalene," reproduced by Mr.

Southport, I presume, is now in its most vivid aspect; there being a multitude of visitors here, principally of the middling classes, and a frequent crowd, whom I take to be working-people from Manchester and other factory towns.

Their mute depression communicated itself to the working-people, and to the peasants who had flocked in from the adjacent country, and who, all sought a guide for their opinions in the faces of the principal townsmen, also for the most part proprietors of the surrounding districts.

"I can't see that at all," his neighbour replied. "We've got nothing to do with it!" "If the Germans won't leave the Belgians alone!..." Perkins interrupted again. "We've got a Belgian cook in our hotel," he said. "It ... it sort of brings it all home to you, that!" There were rumours that the working-people were resolute against the war.... "And so are the employers," said Perkins.

He might as well make it a penny show." "It is a show without the penny," said the rector. "If the poor people did any harm, he would, no doubt, stop their coming," said Mrs. Warrender mildly. "Harm! but of course they do harm. The very idea of thirty working-people, with their heavy boots, and their dinner in a basket, and smoking, no doubt!" "That is bad," said Dick.

The people who live here are all working-people and earn their livings; and they've got a right to do as they please so they're quiet and respectable. But I took it on myself to kind of let the girl understand that her beau would think more of her if she just dropped him at the front door. A man 'll always pick a spunky, independent girl that sort of keeps him at a stand-off every time, anyway.

It was not fantastic to imagine a glow of light about the forehead of this soft-voiced old man! "I never had any hope it would come in my time," the old man was saying gently. "I did use to hope my boys might see it but now I'm not sure even of that. But in all my life I never doubted that some day the working-people will cross over to the promised land.

If you called the attention of a manufacturer to the unyielding courage of the workmen, the reply invariably was, first, that it was all mere bravado; and, second, that, anyhow, the poor devils had nothing to lose, while the manufacturers had their investments to lose The press supported the strikers. It did so, not because they were working-people, but because they were East-Siders.