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It appears, indeed, that the advisability of settling on it themselves was considered; but there was no house on the property; so that as in either case a house had to be built, the Christchurch site was preferred. In June Reeve sold this Winkfield property for nearly 6,000 L., which he added to a note of the sale 'enabled me to build Foxholes. The last letter he wrote me with his own hand.

She declined to let me continue at the Bath School; and I went to another, at Winkfield, in the county of Wilts, of which the chief recommendation lay in the religious character of the master. "Grammar School." Men suppose a grammar school to mean a school where they teach grammar. But this is not the true meaning, and tends to calumniate such schools by ignoring their highest functions.

The younger wore a dress of the same light green as the youth's hose, with a silvery girdle, and a blue cap. "Mistress Alexandra!" said the youth in a loud whisper. The elder girl took no notice of him. The younger answered as if she had just discovered his existence, though in truth she had seen him coming all the time. "O Clement Winkfield, is that you?

"Has thine uncle, then, had part in this wicked work?" "I cry you mercy, Mistress, but I humbly guess not so. Mine uncle, as I have known him, hath been alway an honest and honourable man, that should think shame to do a mean deed. That he had holpen my cousins thus to act could I not believe without it were proven." "Then thy cousin, Mistress Winkfield?" "Alexandra? I said not so much of her."

Deer shooting. 11th, to Keir; 16th, to Ormiston; then to Abington shooting there. To town on October 26th. Miss Handley died in October. She left me the Winkfield portion of the Bracknell estate, which was afterwards confirmed by a decree of the Master of the Rolls. November 13th. Dined at Sandbach's with the Queen of Holland, Prince Edward of Saxe-Weimar, Lady Eastlake, and Bishop Wilberforce.

Instead of which, they dressed themselves in their best, and, escorted by Mr Clement Winkfield, were favoured by permission to slip in at the garden door, and to squeeze into a corner among the Duke's maids and grooms. A very grand sight it was.

She took Thomas out of Bath School, after three years' excellent work there, because he was too much praised, and kept him for a year at an inferior school at Winkfield in Wiltshire. In 1800, at the age of fifteen, De Quincey was ready for Oxford; he had not been praised without reason, for his scholarship was far in advance of that of ordinary pupils of his years.

Clement Winkfield was scullion in the Bishop of Durham's kitchen, and would have been considered in that day rather a good match for a tradesman's daughter; for anything in the form of manufacture or barter was then in a very mean social position.

Vpon Saturday being the 26. Sir Iohn Winkfield knight was buried, in honourable and warlike manner, so farre foorth us the circumstances of that time and place could permit. At whose funerals the Nauie discharged a great part of their Ordinance, in such order, as was thought meete and conuenient by the Lords Generals commandement.

Disraeli's Government came in on February 21st. 21st. The Master of the Rolls gave judgement in the Handley suit, which gave me the Winkfield property. The case was shortly described by Mrs. Reeve: 'There were two wills, one of Edwin Handley, the other that of his two surviving sisters.