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"In the presence of murder, all honest men speak frankly. What motive have you in concealing Mr. Whitmore's whereabouts during his absence from his office?" "I must decline to say anything further until I have consulted with counsel," the secretary answered readily. Certainly the two last replies smacked strongly of guilt, or at least, criminal knowledge.

And yet, if they didn't see him enter or leave and didn't hear a shot, how the devil did the assassin get in and out?" Britz smiled indulgently on his chief. "When I have examined an enlarged photograph of Whitmore's wound and studied the report of the autopsy, I'll answer your question. That part of the mystery gives me no concern. It solves itself.

"I have inherited the money with which I shall pay you," she informed them. "I am the chief beneficiary under Mr. Whitmore's will. The fortune which comes to me shall go toward repaying you." Her earnestness, the obvious honesty of her purpose, began to exert a favorable influence on the listeners.

Whitmore was absent for six weeks?" he suddenly asked. "Yes, sir." "Do you know where he was?" "Mr. Beard told me to tell all visitors that Mr. Whitmore was away on a business trip." "Who is Mr. Beard?" "Mr. Whitmore's confidential secretary. He took charge of the business while Mr. Whitmore was away." "Isn't it somewhat unusual that nobody called to see Mr. Whitmore on his return this morning?"

Collins's actions after I informed her that she was the chief legatee proved conclusively that she was as amazed as the rest of us to find that Whitmore had enriched her. All the circumstances combine to force us to discard the theory that Ward and Mrs. Collins expected to profit by Whitmore's death. "With this theory shattered no plausible motive for their participation in the murder remains.

Every leader of Freethought in England, we believe, is a convert from Christianity. As to the "leading" men Dr. Hitchens refers to, we presume they are the persons initialed in the late Mr. Whitmore's tract, and those among them who were leaders were not converted, and those who were converted were not leaders.

"You mean that you are offering yourself as a target in order to shield the guilty person?" she inquired incredulously. "Precisely." "But why?" she demanded. "Because I conceive it to be Mr. Whitmore's wish." "Mr. Whitmore!" exclaimed she, obviously puzzled. "You mean he asked you to?" "No," acknowledged he. "But I know what must have been in his mind when he died.

It was such an unusual name for a cheap post office burglar that I determined instantly there was some connection between the attempted robbery and Whitmore's murder. "Ordinarily, we are both aware, the capture of an unimportant post office robber, would not be allotted more than a paragraph or two in the newspapers.

I have perfect confidence in Whitmore's skill; he will do all that I could, though I would not leave her if I did not feel it my duty to hurry to the battlefield. Queen, you look weary; but it is not strange, after all that you have passed through." "Doctor, when will you start?" "In twenty minutes." "Has any intelligence been received this morning?"

One of the best contemporary authorities is a letter of Schuyler and his colleagues to the governor and council of Massachusetts, 15 February, 1690, preserved in the Massachusetts archives, and printed in the third volume of Mr. Whitmore's Andros Tracts. La Potherie, Charlevoix, Colden, Smith, and many others, give accounts at second-hand.