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Waynefleet made it a rule to dress for the six o'clock meal, which he persisted in calling dinner. He had disposed of a quantity of potatoes and apples at the settlement of late, and had now a really excellent cigar in his hand, while a little cup of the Mocha coffee, brought from Victoria for his especial use, stood on the table beside him.

Then I'd let up on smoking cigars of that kind, and practise a little more self-denial in one or two other respects. You could make things easier for Miss Waynefleet with the money you save." He rose with a laugh. "Well, I'm going. All you have to do is to carry out my suggestions, and you may still make yourself and your ranch a credit to the district.

Custer from the settlement is now in yonder room. Her husband is at present building a trestle on the Dunsmore track. I come up here for only an hour every day." Nasmyth afterwards discovered that this implied a journey of three or four miles either way over a very indifferent trail, but at the moment he was thinking chiefly of Miss Waynefleet, who had given him shelter.

"I can't quite figure how that concerns you," he replied. "I'm not going to worry about it, any way." "I want that land the block you bought from Waynefleet." "It's not for sale," asserted Hames. "If you have nothing else to put before me, I'll get on. I'm busy this morning." Acton leaned forward in his chair.

He described his symptoms feelingly, and was rather indignant when Gordon expressed neither astonishment nor sympathy. "That's all right," said Gordon. "The thing's quite plain especially the general lassitude you complain of. The trouble is that if you don't make an effort it's going to become chronic." Again Waynefleet looked at him in astonishment, for Gordon's tone was very suggestive.

These were, however, fancies, and he turned around again to her with a sudden resolution expressed in his face and attitude. "There's an argument you might have used, Miss Waynefleet," he told her. "I said I would try to do you credit, and it almost seems as if I had forgotten it. Well, if you will wait a little, I will try again."

There was about a dozen of them, men of different birth and upbringing, though all had the same quiet brown faces and steadiness of gaze. For the most part, they were dressed in duck, though Waynefleet and the hotel-keeper wore city clothes.

The scar the prick made is always there, but it's different with Waynefleet. He is made of self-closing jelly, and when you take the knife out the gap shuts up again. It's quite hard to fancy it was ever there." Nasmyth nodded gravely, for there was an elusive something in his comrade's tone that roused his sympathy. "Gordon," he said, "is it quite impossible for you to go back East again?"

It was a week later when her father drove her to the pulp-mill in a jolting waggon, and arrived there a little earlier than he had expected. A dance usually begins with a bountiful supper in that country, but Waynefleet, who was, as a rule, willing to borrow implements or teams from his Bush neighbours, would seldom eat with them when he could help it.

It is also probable that, had the offer been made him before he had had a certain talk with Laura Waynefleet, he would have profited by it, but she had roused something that was latent in him, and at the same time endued him with a vague distrust of himself, the effect of which was largely beneficial.