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Aside from his pipes and cigar-holders, he had provided himself with a self-lighting match-safe for his vest-pocket, a self-closing rubber chewing-tobacco pouch that kept the tobacco clean and moist, and other things that appealed to his sense of cleanliness. His efforts had always been to do away with the filthy part connected with its use.

She escaped beneath the archway; Charles followed her there. On seeing him, she withdrew to the foot of the staircase and opened the self-closing door; then hardly knowing where she was going, Eugenie found herself near Nanon's den, in the darkest part of the passage.

The door closed automatically and Maude tip-toed to her brother's side, returning his welcoming kiss. "What's his name?" she asked, pointing towards the self-closing door. "My secretary? Harry Merry," said Quincy, "but the press boys all call him Sober Harry." "I think he's just splendid," said the impulsive Maude "such beautiful eyes! But that isn't what I came for.

How many would there be among us, who numbered nine? It is no use asking a victim of this complaint to shut the door after him; he is simply incapable of doing it. I was not yet well enough acquainted with my companions as regards the door-shutting question, and in order to be on the safe side we might just as well put up a self-closing door.

The man who had come to fix the apparatus was unwilling to guarantee it, unless a sign was put on the outside of the door, warning incomers that the door was self-closing. This sign would cost fifteen cents extra. "But you didn't say anything about this when the thing was ordered," declared S. Behrman. "No, I won't pay it, my friend. It's an overcharge."

The scar the prick made is always there, but it's different with Waynefleet. He is made of self-closing jelly, and when you take the knife out the gap shuts up again. It's quite hard to fancy it was ever there." Nasmyth nodded gravely, for there was an elusive something in his comrade's tone that roused his sympathy. "Gordon," he said, "is it quite impossible for you to go back East again?"