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Updated: August 26, 2024

Wackernagel's whole face twinkled with amusement, and his shoulders shook with laughter as he contemplated the joke he had perpetrated "I says, 'Well, it MIGHT be Gener'l Jackson'" laughter again choked his utterance, and the stout form of Mrs. Wackernagel also was convulsed with amusement, while Amanda and Rebecca giggled appreciatively. Tillie and the doctor alone remained unaffected.

"He's never gave her nothin' that I seen him," Mrs. Wackernagel affirmed. "Well, mind you don't leave her waste time readin'. She ain't to." "You needn't trouble, Jake!" "Well," said Jake, "I'll leave them clo'es another week, and mebbe Tillie'll feel some better and can get 'em done.

"No, I thank you," Fairchilds replied, with his little air of courtesy that so impressed the whole family. "I can't eat radishes in the evening with impunity." "But these is with WINEGAR," Mrs. Wackernagel corrected him. Before Mr. Fairchilds could explain, Mr. Wackernagel broke in, confirming the doctor's proud claim.

Taking her hands from her dish-water, she dried them hastily, went over to Mrs. Wackernagel, threw her arms about her neck, and kissed her. "Oh, Aunty Em, I love you like I've never loved any one except Miss Margaret and " She stopped short as she buried her face in her aunt's motherly bosom and clung to her. "And who else, Tillie?" Mrs.

"What's musin'?" "Yes, what's that ag'in?" asked Mrs. Wackernagel, alert with curiosity, theological discussions being always of deep interest to her. "Musin' is settin' by yourself and thinkin' of your learnin'," explained the doctor. "I've took notice, this long time back, educated persons they like to set by theirselves, still, and muse."

One must have read the biography of the honest and laborious Germanist Wackernagel to be able to credit the fact that that quiet searcher after knowledge was pursued far into middle life by the most bitter persecution and rancorous injuries, because as a schoolboy whether in the third or fourth class I do not know he had written a letter in which was set forth some new division, thought out in his childish brain, for the united German Empire of which he dreamed.

If I had you home I'd whip you!" "You ain't touchin' her 'round HERE!" exclaimed his sister. "You just try it, Jake, and I'll call Abe out!" "Is she my own child or ain't she, Em Wackernagel? And can I do with my own what I please, or must I ast you and Abe Wackernagel?" "She's too growed up fur to be punished, Jake, and you know it."

"Hello, Doc!" she cried as he came into the dining-room. "What IS it?" "Twin girls!" the doctor proudly announced, going over to the stove to warm his hands after his long drive. "My lands!" exclaimed Amanda. "Now what do you think!" ejaculated Mrs. Wackernagel. "How's missus?" Rebecca inquired. "Doin' fine! But mister he ain't feelin' so well. He wanted a boy OR boys, as the case might be.

Müller, Immermann, Palten, Hoffmann, Kopisch, Heine, Lenau, Möricke, Grün, Wackernagel, and many others.

At least he found out, in talking with Elviny Dinkleberger and her father at the Lancaster market, that the girl was innocent of ever having owned or even seen the book, and that, consequently, she had of course never lent it either to Rebecca Wackernagel at the hotel or to Tillie. What her object could have been in shielding the real owner of the book he could not guess.

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