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"You're all being made fools of," he said, getting up and stamping. "I tell you he pushed me over-board for the purpose." "Oh, father! how can you?" demanded Venia, angrily. "He saved your life." "He pushed me in," repeated the farmer. "Told me to look at a jelly-fish and pushed me in." "What for?" inquired Sergeant Daly. "Because " said Mr. Turnbull.

Tressilian mustered his learning to reply, "LINGUAE LATINAE HAUD PENITUS IGNARUS, VENIA TUA, DOMINE ERUDITISSIME, VERNACULAM LIBENTIUS LOQUOR." The Latin reply had upon the schoolmaster the effect which the mason's sign is said to produce on the brethren of the trowel.

Blundell thanked him, and for the next two days thought of little else. Being a careful man he made his will, and it was in a comparatively cheerful frame of mind that he made his way on Sunday afternoon to Mr. Turnbull's. The sergeant was already there conversing in low tones with Venia by the window, while Mr.

Blundell, who knew his Venia by heart. "You always seem to be able to think of objections," complained Mr. Turnbull; "I've noticed that in you before." "I'd go in fast enough if there was anybody there," said Blundell. "I'm not much of a swimmer, but " "All the better," interrupted the other; "that would make it all the more daring."

Turnbull, sitting opposite in an oaken armchair, regarded him with an expression which would have shocked Iago. "We were just thinking of having a blow down by the water," he said, as Blundell entered. "What! a hot day like this?" said Venia. "I was just thinking how beautifully cool it is in here," said the sergeant, who was hoping for a repetition of the previous Sunday's performance.

"Shame!" said the bystanders, briefly, as they, watched anxiously for signs of returning life on the part of Mr. Blundell. He lay still with his eyes closed, but his hearing was still acute, and the sounds of a rapidly approaching barrel trundled by a breathless Samaritan did him more good than anything. "Good-bye, Venia," he said, in a faint voice; "good-bye."

Again, the German university, which, like all American universities except Princetown, has more resemblance to the Scottish universities than to those at Oxford, Cambridge, or Dublin, is not residential nor divided into colleges, but is departmentalized into "faculties," each with its own professors and privat docentes, or official lecturers, mostly young savants, who have not the rank or title of professor, but have obtained only the venia legendi from the university.

Venia Turnbull in a quiet, unobtrusive fashion was enjoying herself. The cool living-room at Turnbull's farm was a delightful contrast to the hot sunshine without, and the drowsy humming of bees floating in at the open window was charged with hints of slumber to the middle-aged.

His arrival to take possession of Venus had been made the occasion of a great festival. "The Water Festival," they called it, which was held only at times of universal public rejoicing. It was planned now to do honor to Tarrano planned for this same evening. But he postponed it a night; tonight was for Wolfgar. We were still captives in Tarrano's hands, as we had been on Earth in Venia.

Turnbull some trouble ere it was effected, but he was successful at last, and, walking behind the two young men, waited somewhat nervously for developments. Twice they paraded the length of the quay and nothing happened. The ship was still visible, and, the sergeant halting to gaze at it, the company lost their formation, and he led the complaisant Venia off from beneath her father's very nose.