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Yet to-night she felt infinitely tender over Fritz, as if she stood by him again and saw the bandage darkened by the red stain. Then she thought of the song she had sung to Lady Cardington, the song which had surely opened the eyes of her own drowsy, if not actually sleeping, heart: "Tutto al mondo e vano: Nell'amore ogni dolcezza." It was horribly true to her to-night.

"Torna in fior di giovinezza Isaotta Blanzesmano, Dice: Tutto al mondo e vano: Nell'amore ogni dolcezza." She understood while she sang she had never understood before, nor could conceive why she understood now what love had been to the world, was being, would be so long as there was a world. The sweetness of love did not merely present itself to her imagination, but penetrated her soul.

And as she sang the refrain for the last time she seemed to herself to be searching for the form that must surely be very wonderful, searching for it in the many eyes that were fixed upon her. She looked at Sir Donald: "Dice: Tutto al mondo e vano:" She looked at Rupert Carey: "Nell'amore ogni dolcezza."

"Torna in fior di giovinezza Isaotta Blanzesmano, Dice: Tutto al mondo a vano: Nell'amore ogni dolcezza." When the last note died away she looked towards the sofa. Lady Cardington was gone. Lady Holme leaned her arm on the piano and put her chin in her hand. "How awful to be old!" she thought. Half aloud she repeated the last words of the refrain: "Nell'amore ogni dolcezza."

Credulity yes, but not belief. And so, when she looked at the believers, she saw but a few people: Robin Pierce, Sir Donald whom else? And then she heard, as if far off, the song she would sing on the morrow at Manchester House. "Torna in fior di giovinezza Isaotta Blanzesmano, Dice: Tutto al mondo a vano: Nell'amore ogni dolcezza."

He lifted his hand with a gesture of attention as a rich mezzo- soprano rang out towards them, "Per carita Mostrami il cielo; Tulto e un velo, E non si sa Dove e il cielo. Se si sta Cosi cola, Non si sa Se non si va Ahi me lontano! Tulto e in vano! Prendimi in mano Per carita!" "It is Angela," said the Cardinal, "She has a wonderfully sweet voice." "Prendimi in mano, Per carita!"

"Torna in fior di giovinezza Isaotta Blanzesmano, Dice: Tutto al mondo e vano: Nell'amore ogni dolcezza." Tears came into Lady Cardington's eyes as she listened, brimmed over and fell down upon her blanched cheeks. Each time the refrain recurred she moved her lips: "Dice: Tutto al mondo e vano: Nell'amore ogni dolcezza."

Have I known the love in which alone all sweetness lives?" The thought had come in like a firefly through an open window. "Have I? Have I?" And something within her felt a stab of pain, something within her soul and yet surely a thousand miles away. "Tutto tutto al mondo e vano," murmured Lady Cardington. "We feel that and we feel it, and do you?" "To-day I seem to," answered Lady Holme.

Terror moves with dread rapidity: . . . and from his seat The monster moving onward came as fast With horrid strides. and so does Megera: In atterir, in spaventar son . . . Rapido si ch' ogni ripar e vano.

Translated from Photius, p. 156. "Cesare fui e son Giustiniano, Che, per voler del primo amor ch'io sento, Dentro alle leggi trassi il troppo e il vano." Paradiso, vi. 10. This paragraph translated from Rump, ix. 70. Rump, viii. 487. Account from Rump, ix. 172-4, compressed. Respondeat mens illa Sancto Spiritui serviens. Mansi, viii. 808. Mansi, viii. 849.