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"Is Nap driving you?" he asked. "No," said Bertie. "Nap's skiing." "Then you, Bertie " "My dear fellow," said Bertie, "I'm fearfully sorry, but I can't. You understand, don't you, Lady Carfax? I would if I could, but " his excuses trailed off unsatisfactorily. He turned very red and furiously jabbed at the fire with his boot. "Please don't think of it," said Anne. "I am so used to being alone.

The details of the investigation which ended so unsatisfactorily are here given by the man sent from headquarters at the first alarm. When, some time after midnight on the date above mentioned, I reached Lafayette Place, I found the block lighted from end to end.

Indeed, the longer confinement worked so unsatisfactorily that on the following day I substituted for it the punishment of forcing him to raise the entrance door of the wrong box in order to escape for a new choice. This method discouraged him extremely and proved wasteful of time.

At length he began to be aware that this was no light preference, no passing fancy, but something more serious than he had hitherto known that in fact he was really, though uncomfortably and unsatisfactorily, in love with her.

In this scenic arrangement there must be either legerdemain or a bad memory. With respect to the Unity of Place, we may in general observe that it is often very unsatisfactorily observed, even in comedy, by the French poets, as well as by all who follow the same system of rules.

THAT psychologist who, writing on the problems of dramatic art, called his brochure "The Dispute over Tragedy," gave the right name to a singular situation. Of all the riddles of aesthetic experi8ence, none has been so early propounded, so indefatigably attempted, so variously and unsatisfactorily solved, as this. What is dramatic? What constitutes a tragedy?

But mesdames received her so unsatisfactorily, that my own feelings told me, I ought not to be presented at court under her auspices. We thanked the comtesse d'Aloigny therefore, and sent her, as a remuneration, twenty thousand livres from the king. Whilst comte Jean failed on one side, the duc d'Aiguillon succeeded on another. He was someway related to madame de Bearn.

These negotiations being unsatisfactorily entertained for some time, a day of humiliation and prayer was set apart at the settlement, after which the preparations for resistance were carried on as before.

The Parliament unanimously voted thanks to the King for this instance of his paternal care; but some of those who joined in the vote of thanks expressed a very natural apprehension that the second investigation might end as unsatisfactorily as the first investigation had ended.

Turnbull perceived her intention, and caught hold of her with no very gentle grasp, saying "Nay, lady, it is to be understood that you play your own part in the drama, which, unless you continue on the stage, will conclude unsatisfactorily to us all, in a combat at outrance between your lover and me, when it will appear which of us is most worthy of your favour."