United States or China ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

But there was no answer, so Tom, whose cot was nearest the door, jumped up and ran to her room. In a moment he was back again his face looking quite queer. "What is the matter, Tom?" I exclaimed. "She's not there," he cried, "and she's not been there all night. Her bed isn't unmade." I sat up in alarm. "Oh dear!" I said. "I do believe she's gone away, and that was the noise I heard.

Do you know the feeling of a heart beating too high, when you see the great cliffs of London under rain or vague sunshine, or rising out of yellow air? Do you ever want, as I do, to stand with arms out against the London wind, and shout your own unmade poetry on the top of a 'bus?

First, I believe, I have secured four underskirts, three chemises, as many pairs of stockings, two under-bodies, the prayer book father gave me, "Tennyson" that Harry gave me when I was fourteen, two unmade muslins, a white mull, English grenadine trimmed with lilac, and a purple linen, and nightgown.

All through the meal, she and the Doctor made and unmade fairy plans. They bobbed and bowed and pledged each other. Their faces ran over with smiles; their eyes scattered sparkles, as they projected the Doctor's political honours and the lady's drawing-room ovations. 'But you will not be a Red! cried Anastasie. 'I am Left Centre to the core, replied the Doctor.

Women and children sit at their doors drinking mate and watching the slowly drawn bullock-carts go up and down the uneven, unmade roads, bordered, not by the familiar maple, but with huge dust-covered cactus plants, The bullocks all draw with their horns, and the indolent driver sits on the yoke, urging forward his sleepy animals with a poke of his cane, on the end of which he has fastened a sharp nail.

All through the meal she and the Doctor made and unmade fairy plans. They bobbed and bowed and pledged each other. Their faces ran over with smiles; their eyes scattered sparkles, as they projected the Doctor's political honours and the lady's drawing-room ovations. "But you will not be a Red!" cried Anastasie. "I am Left Centre to the core," replied the Doctor.

Aunt Trudy came home before she had finished and when she saw the unmade beds and the morning's disorder still untouched, she spoke her mind in no uncertain terms. "Everybody has a grouch," observed Sarah cheerfully when they sat down to dinner. Doctor Hugh had not come in. "Don't use that word, Sarah," reproved her aunt, sugaring a bowl of boiled rice for Shirley.

All interests were required to yield in favour of the candidate most likely to succeed as against Mr. Thorpe. Any person in employment, in expectation of, or entitled to land, was gratified, promised, or threatened; magistrates were made and unmade, as best suited the purposes of electioneering; grants were given; fees excused, or promised to be paid by those high in authority.

And over the wild waste of ice rang out the war-cry of the Northman, of the Viking, the one who made and unmade kings, So Ulf came home again to his reward with more renown than often falls to a young man; and when Jarl Sigurd grew too old to care to govern longer, the command slid over to the sturdy young shoulders so well fitted to receive it.

Again, if the United States be not a government proper, but an association of States in the nature of contract merely, can it, as a contract, be peaceably unmade by less than all the parties who made it? One party to a contract may violate it break it, so to speak; but does it not require all to lawfully rescind it?