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Just now there was the Belgian family, and also, as Anna had managed to discover, three odd-come-shorts in the kitchen. Anna's general unease had not been lessened by a mysterious letter which she had received from her daughter this morning. In it the writer hinted that her husband was getting into some fresh trouble.

"She's been sitting here by herself all the time " and my voice failed me, remembering that dark and anguished sense of guilt and ruin, of unease and terror, that at times fell upon one in the night like a smothering garment. Cold drops came upon my forehead, when I reflected that we had been living under the same roof with This, and we all unknowing.

Were I to set out the yearnings that possess me, no scrolls would suffice thereto: and of the excess of my affliction and wasting away, I have made the following verses: Were I to set down all I feel of heart-consuming dole And all the transport and unease that harbour in my soul, Nor ink nor pen in all the world thereafter would remain, Nor aught from east to west were left of paper or of scroll.

It is a woman," the Mexican discovered in apparent surprise. "A woman!" Luck took the cigar from his mouth in vague unease. "What is he doing here with a woman?" The Mexican smiled behind his open hand. "Your question anticipates mine, Señor. I too ask the same." The sight of his daughter in the doorway went through the cattleman with a chilling shock.

Now all that day, I did have a strange unease of the spirit, so that I stopt oft to listen, as that my soul told of something nigh unto me that did follow very quiet. Yet did mine ears perceive nothing; and so I alway to go downward again into the night that held the slope.

Matters being thus amicably adjusted, they prevailed upon him to unease his nose, which retained no signs of the outrage he had suffered; and the amusements of the day were concerted.

He prowled the Palace corridors, rubbing the fang marks on his throat from time to time, his unease and restless irritability growing. He didn't like being this way it was nothing like his usual self but he couldn't seem to do fight his way out of it. After what felt like decades, he found himself at the System Security office complex.

A look of unease and of anxiety came over her face. "D'you mean Mr. Tapster?" she said hesitatingly. "Good heavens, no!" He was surprised, and a little disgusted. "Can't you guess who it is?" He saw the look in her face grow to shrinking fear. "I can't guess at all," she said weakly. "You won't allow Bill to get up I know that because he sent me a message. Bill's the only person I want to see."

Know that one who lacketh experience in worldly matters readily falleth into misfortune; and whoso considereth not the end keepeth not the world to friend, and the vulgar say: -I was lying at mine ease: nought but my officiousness brought me unease." "Needs must thou," she broke in, "make me a doer of this good deed, and let him kill me an he will: I shall only die a ransom for others."

And none knew better than his scouts how often that card had meant the difference between a pipe over the warm camp-fire and the cold comfort of an icy grave. Julyman was troubled at the unease he observed in the white man's eyes. It had been there on and off for some days now.