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It is a divine hieroglyph of the demoniac power of the earth, of the entire earthly nature. As the bird is the clothed power of the air, so this is the clothed power of the dust; as the bird is the symbol of the spirit of life, so this is the grasp and sting of death. * I cannot understand this swift forward motion of serpents.

But why do you ask?" "Does it not help us perhaps to understand and explain Sir Oliver's disappearance? God lack! Surely, knowing that, he were a fool to have tarried here, for he would hang beyond all doubt did he stay for the coming of her grace's messenger." "My God!" said Lionel, staring. "You... you think he is fled, then?" Sir John shrugged. "What else is to be thought?"

'May I never if I understand what you mean. 'Maybe you thought it was no business of yours to provide for your own child. Maybe you had a notion that it was enough that she had her food and a roof over her while you were here, and that somehow anyhow she'd get on, as they call it, when you were in the other place.

I must have the real thing the thing inside. I hope to have the applause of the world, but the thing I must have is the approval of my better self can't you understand, Nan?" Stuart paused and laid his hand gently on the girl's white round arm, and she turned with a start. "I didn't hear your last sentence, Jim " "Of what were you thinking?" "Of what a woman is always thinking.

"Surely to one so high in command Brant would listen, when he might refuse even to speak with one of less rank." "The thought was not in my mind that Thayendanega himself would be opposed to our commander; but if you know what was done last year, it is easy to understand my meaning."

"I must not be here. I musn't be where I can see anybody. Nobody must know where I am, Basil do you understand? You must send me away, and you must not tell anybody." The minister walked up and down, thinking. He let go entirely the thought of arguing with Diana.

We would gladly at once have set off to look for them; but when we showed a wish to go to the south, he made us understand that they were already carried a long way off, and that, coming from his village, we should be looked upon as enemies, and probably murdered. This we thought so likely, that we agreed it would be prudent to return home to obtain the assistance of our friends.

"So, since that time, you have had no news of him?" "Yes, my children once we had news." "And by whom?" After a moment's silence, Dagobert resumed with a singular expression of countenance: "By whom? by one who is not like other men. Yes that you may understand me better, I will relate to you an extraordinary adventure, which happened to your father during his last French campaign.

"Do you, or don't you understand what I am saying?" he demanded. "No, Señor," Lucia reiterated. "Where is the soldier who found this girl?" the Captain shouted to an orderly.

"Is it not possible," I suggested, "that the incised wound upon Straker may have been caused by his own knife in the convulsive struggles which follow any brain injury?" "It is more than possible; it is probable," said Holmes. "In that case one of the main points in favor of the accused disappears." "And yet," said I, "even now I fail to understand what the theory of the police can be."