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Greater it grew when the "afternoon edition" appeared, and with their keen business instinct, the urchins saw that they could run the price upward, which they promptly did, in some cases even to a nickel. This edition carried the same "fudge" advertisement, but now the red dots crossed over to Fifth Avenue and turned northward as far as Twenty-third Street.

Oh, God! why did I let him go from me when he was so ill!" "Would you not like Belle and Miss Mildred summoned at once?" Roger asked. "Yes, yes, they ought to be here now; every moment may be precious, and he may become conscious." "At the same time I would like you to call on Dr. Benton in Twenty-third Street," added the physician. "He is a friend of mine, and has had much experience.

Jesu, Lover of my soul, Let me to Thy Bosom fly; While the nearer waters roll, While the tempest still is high; Hide me, O my Saviour, hide, Till the storm of life is past, Safe into the haven guide, O receive my soul at last. "Ay, that's it, that's it," said the Scotchman, "it's a hymn I dinna ken, but it goes to the heart of things. Man, can ye recite to me the twenty-third Psalm?"

On the twenty-third the smoother water gave place to a rough sea, and he writes that this "was favorable to me, as it happened formerly to Moses when he led the Jews from Egypt." The next day, thanks to the headwinds, their progress was less.

The uneasiness, which, a few days before, had sprung up among the friends of the abolition, on the report that this event was probable, began now to show itself throughout the kingdom. Letters were written from various parts, manifesting the greatest fear and anxiety on account of the state of the bill, and desiring answers of consolation. On Monday, the twenty-third, the House of Lords met.

"I've got it, and I've been at work on it this whole morning." Ellis Holbrook, about that time, conquered a most puzzling example in algebra; but he felt not prouder than did Tip. "Thomas," said Mr. Burrows to the head boy in Tip's arithmetic class, "you may take the twenty-third example to the board." "Can't do it," answered Thomas promptly. "Henry may do it, then."

The insignificant girl beside her giggled vacantly. Dumnoff did not seem to have heard the remark. "Nineteen hundred and twenty-three," muttered the Count between his teeth and in Russian, as the nineteenth hundred and twenty-third cigarette rolled from his fingers, and he took up the parchment tongue for the nineteenth hundred and twenty-fourth time that day.

"I will marry you on the twenty-third of next May." "Six months!" he exclaimed reprovingly. "You must accept the decision. It is final." The six months passed and the strange wedding was near at hand.

They stood still at a respectful distance from the temple, and in their artless manner sung Addison's beautiful version of the twenty-third psalm, which the Miss Astons had taught them, because it was a favorite with their mother. Here the setting sun reminded us to retreat to the house.

We built a flying-bridge ferry at Pack's, on New River, near the mouth of the Blue-stone, where a passable road up the valley of the Greenbrier connected us with Colonel Crook's position at Lewisburg. The post at Pack's Ferry was held by a detachment from Scammon's brigade in command of Major Comly of the Twenty-third Ohio.