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The interruptions were very annoying, particularly when she was summoned to the telephone to speak to her father. "What is it, dad?" she asked impatiently. "Are you all right?" "Oh, yes," she answered, carelessly; "we are all right, dad. Goodbye." "We? Who the devil is 'We'?" "Mr. Vanderdynk and I. We're taking my maid and coming down to Tuxedo this evening together. I'm in a hurry now."

So it came about that the bill for the fancy-dress was still unpaid, and Undine left to wonder distractedly what had become of Van Degen's money. That Van Degen seemed also to wonder was becoming unpleasantly apparent: his cheque had evidently not brought in the return he expected, and he put his grievance to her frankly one day when he motored down to lunch at Tuxedo.

To escape it she had gone to Tuxedo for a week; now, fear and foreboding had brought her back fear intensified at the very threshold of the city when Duane seemed to look straight at her and pass her by without recognition.

Having settled this problem and taken possession of Penelope for that evening, Talcott went on to outline a jolly little plan of his to take possession of her for an entire day in the near future as soon as there was skating at Tuxedo. Quite a large party were going up, Bobby This and Willie That, to all of which Penelope assented, while Mrs. Bannister laughed merrily.

The whole world had rung wedding bells for the marriage of the Count Maris Tarnowsy, scion of one of the greatest Hungarian houses, and Aline, the nineteen-year-old daughter of Gwendolen and Jasper Titus, of New York, Newport, Tuxedo, Hot Springs, Palm Beach and so forth.

Overhead the characteristic deep blue arch of a New York sky spread untroubled by a cloud. Her family that is, her father, brother-in-law, married sister, three unmarried sisters and herself were expecting to leave for Tuxedo about noon. Why? Nobody knows why the wealthy are always going somewhere. However, they do, fortunately for story writers.

Trent turned to a fresh page of his notebook, and tapped it thoughtfully with his pencil. Then he looked up and said, 'I suppose Mr. Manderson had dressed for dinner that night? 'Certainly, sir. He had on a suit with a dress-jacket, what he used to refer to as a Tuxedo, which he usually wore when dining at home. 'And he was dressed like that when you saw him last? 'All but the jacket, sir.

I'd asked him to come, when I was in Tuxedo, and he evidently wanted to do so, for he proposed to Amy that she bring him. Of course, I'd no idea he and Miss Lang had ever met before, and when I innocently ordered her in, I did it simply because Radcliffe was refractory and refused to come without her, and I couldn't have a scene before guests." "Well?" "I didn't know Mr.

Still our man kept on, bowling northward along the fine state road that led to one of the richest parts of the country. He came to the attractive entrance to Tuxedo Park. Almost, I had expected him to turn in. At least I should not have been surprised if he had done so. However, he kept on northward, past the entrance to the Park. We hung doggedly on. Where was he going?

There is in existence a co-operative store, as well managed as the co-operative stores at Tuxedo Park, and with much the same system of rebates. There are bathing facilities, gymnasium, a boat club, a system of providing hot meals from a central kitchen, reading-rooms and smoking-rooms.