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Two hundred thousand sestertia were thought to have been represented in the house. The speaker was the well-known Mark Tully, Eq., the subject Old Age. Mr. The lecture consisted of an imaginary dialogue between Cato and Laelius. All want to reach old age, says Cato, and grumble when they get it; therefore they are donkeys.

"And, by the way, Mr Leigh, I would certainly change my uniform; for, you will excuse my saying so, you look more like a scarecrow than an officer." Hilary bowed, and soon after he was inspecting the men detailed for the duty in hand, one and all of whom saluted him with a grin of satisfaction. "Well, Tom Tully," he said, "how is your shoulder?"

Tully went on to sketch the year of travel in Europe, the resumption of Paula's painting in Paris, and the conviction she finally reached that success could be achieved only by struggle and that her aunt's money was a handicap. "And she had her way," Mrs. Tully sighed. "She why, she dismissed me, sent me home.

There was a long pause now, during which the weary men sat apart upon the sands, or with their backs propped against the sides of the damaged boat, but at last there came a hail out of the darkness, to which Tom Tully answered with a stentorian "Boat a-hoy-oy!" "Who told you to hail, Tom Tully?" cried the gunner. "I'm chief orsifer here, so just you wait until you are told."

Although he had studied the writings of Plato and Tully, philosophy was incapable of purifying his mind from the basest passions, avarice and fear. He had purchased a sceptre by ingratitude and murder: at the first menace of an enemy, he degraded his own majesty and that of a nation, which already disdained their unworthy sovereign.

"But Paula spoiled that little adventure. No sooner were they married than Dick fitted out his schooner, the All Away, and away the blessed pair of them went, honeymooning from Bordeaux to Hongkong." "And the cabaret was closed, and the philosophers left homeless and discussionless," Graham remarked. Mrs. Tully laughed heartily and shook her head.

"Now then, my lads," cried the gunner, "what I propose is that we try and find our landmarks, and as soon as we have hit the place where Master Leigh left us we'll all hail as loud as we can, and then wait for an answer." Tom Tully growled out something in reply, it was impossible to say what, and leaving one man to act as boatkeeper, they all set off together along the shore.

For * According to Tully, who says that men going to serve in the army have guardians assigned to them, by whom they are governed the first year. Among the Greeks, on the contrary, what an absurd system of training youth is exhibited in their gymnasia! What a frivolous preparation for the labors and hazards of war! what indecent spectacles, what impure and licentious amours are permitted!

Tully, back there on the Nile, would have been a dancer at the most, a fancy skater if, indeed, he had risen to the human order, and were not still a slinking gazelle. Good name that, for Tully. He would remember it gazelle! At three o'clock he glanced aside from his typewriter to see a director enter Breede's room.

Thence he migrated to Rome in the reign of Hadrian, and became the most famous rhetorician of his day. As a pleader and orator he was counted by his contemporaries hardly inferior to Tully himself, and as a teacher his aid was sought for the noblest youths of Rome. To him was entrusted the education of M.