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Updated: August 16, 2024

Curtis did not know the truth about Philip Holt. Just before they started for the train that was to bear them to Tom and Tania Madge told Mrs. Curtis that Philip had stolen the child from them and that they also believed he had run off with their treasure-chest. Mrs. Curtis listened very quietly to Madge's story.

In return for this the old man surrendered the golden slippers, which, it is also said, the reverend fathers carefully locked away in the treasure-chest, lest the Virgin should again be tempted to such extravagant almsgiving. The Maiden’s Leap Once in the Hardt mountains there dwelt a giant whose fortress commanded a wide view of the surrounding country.

The Kûren treasure-chest in the Hague Collection has points of similarity, but the workmanship of this specimen is infinitely finer." "In a word, gentlemen," snapped Nayland Smith, rising from the arm-chair in which he had been sitting, and beginning restlessly to pace the room, "in a word, you would be prepared to make me a substantial offer for this box?" Mr.

He said that if it contained half as much as the Kûren treasure-chest, we could sail for America and be on the straight all the rest of our lives...." And now something which had hitherto been puzzling me became suddenly evident.

Nor did his complacency diminish when his intuition proved correct, and the preacher thundered against the self-will ay, and the self-seeking that undermined Israel's last fortification. What did they seek under the wall? Did they think their delving spades would come upon a hidden store of gold, upon an ancient treasure-chest?

Long before this, however, I had found an opportunity to go below and have a look at the treasure-chest, which I had found in the position indicated by the French skipper.

It was all mellowed and diminished as seen through a glass at great distance; and on the shore the men toiling to load a great treasure-chest into a long-boat looked like tiny manikins posed about a delicate model of marine life. The second chest yet stood on the cliff-edge, slaves about it lashing double slings and tackles that led from a boulder for lowering it down.

We had to climb a mountain of ice. The horses were fatigued, and we made no progress. The wagon with the treasure-chest of the army was abandoned; and a part of the money was pillaged by men who had not gone a hundred steps before they were obliged to throw it away in order to save their lives. During the whole Russian campaign, the Emperor was nearly always badly lodged.

Then, returning to the spot where Mrs. Sin lay, he coolly detached a leather wallet which she wore beneath her dress fastened to a girdle. Next he removed her rings, her bangles and other ornaments. He secreted all in the interior of the joss his treasure-chest.

I reckon ther's jest one thing fer us to do when a crazy man gits around with a gun. It's time to light out. Wher's Victor?" And her eyes fell upon the treasure-chest. "Him an' me's changed places. He's back ther'." Jean jerked a thumb over his shoulder to indicate the huts in the wood. Davia was on her feet in an instant and her eyes sparkled angrily. "What d'ye mean, Jean?" The man shrugged.

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