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Updated: August 16, 2024

Evidently this young man was a favorite, for, as he passed along, many a face, worn by business and care, brightened as he smiled and spoke; many a countenance stamped with the trade-mark, preoccupied and hard, relaxed in a kindly recognition as he bowed and went by; and more than one found time, even in that busy whirl, to glance for a moment after him, or to remember him with a pleasant feeling, at least till the pavement had been crossed on which they met, a long space at that hour of the day, and with so much more important matters Bull and Bear, rise and fall, stock and account claiming their attention.

Of course I 'm not sure which did the work, but why could n't I mix them all in equal parts, if they would mix, you know, and let those stay out that would n't, and call it the 'Olivera Complexion Lotion'? The trade-mark might be a cucumber, a lemon, and a morning dew-drop, rampant, and a frightened little brown spot couchant.

More than one of our rail makers are to-day rolling, under protest, rails upon which they decline to put their trade-mark rails made from the very cheapest materials, in the very meanest manner for all that is required is that they shall stick together till they are laid. And if American makers will not roll them, Welsh makers will.

In one place, after referring to Science and Health, Mrs. Eddy goes on to say "the Bible and the above-named book, with other works by the same author," etc. It is an unfortunate sentence, for it could mislead a hasty or careless reader for a moment. Mrs. Eddy framed it it is her very own it bears her trade-mark.

Among other things he said that my character was written in my face; that I was treacherous, a dissembler, a coward, and a brute without sense of pity or compassion: the 'Sedgemoor trade-mark, he called it and 'white-sleeve badge. Any other man in my place would have gone to his house and shot him down like a dog.

A. Risen Shine he bore a name which fitted its bearer and its bearer's calling at once it was a slogan and a testimony, a trade-mark and a watch-cry. Proudly now he walked the earth, broadcasting the favor of his smile on every side.

Already whatever she puts her trade-mark on, though it be only a memorial-spoon, is holy and is eagerly and gratefully bought by the disciple, and becomes a fetish in his house. I say bought, for the Boston Christian-Science Trust gives nothing away; everything it has is for sale. And the terms are cash; and not only cash, but cash in advance. Its god is Mrs. Eddy first, then the Dollar.

From my lone turret as I look around O'er the green meadows to the ring of blue, From slope, from summit, and from half-hid vale The sky is stabbed with dagger-pointed spires, Their gilded symbols whirling in the wind, Their brazen tongues proclaiming to the world, Here truth is sold, the only genuine ware; See that it has our trade-mark!

Sam'l was a weaver in the tenements, and Sanders a coal-carter, whose trade-mark was a bell on his horse's neck that told when coal was coming. Being something of a public man, Sanders had not, perhaps, so high a social position as Sam'l, but he had succeeded his father on the coal-cart, while the weaver had already tried several trades.

Early in the war a Norwegian packer, who had not had much demand for his sardines in Germany, put the picture of Hindenhurg on the tins and christened them the "Hindenburg Sardines." When he changed the trade-mark the Germans bought them as fast as he could supply them not because they were short of food at that time, but through the magic of a name. To-day all that is changed.

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