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Law is ze science by vich a man who has money do as he tam please and snap his finger so! and shrug his shoulder so! and say, 'You not like it? Vat I care, Monsieur? and by vich ze poor man, vedder he guilty or not, haf no single chance, not von, to escape. I haf not efen ze two huntret tollaire zat gif me my liberty till ze trial come."

Mos' people wat comes here is more graspin'. Mos' people wants ter git out." "Ha!" said Tulitz. "De warden said fer me ter come in here an' tell yer' he'd send fer anybody yer wanter see." "Zere is nopotty." "Aincher got no friends?" "Ven I haf money, I have friend beaucoup, more friend as I know vat to do viz. I haf no money now." "Wot's your bail?" "Fi' tousant tollaire! Bah!

"I knows a man," replied the guard reflectively, "who might do it on my recommend. Sometimes, w'en a man aint got no frien's, but kin lay aroun' 'im an' scoop tergedder a couple er hundred dollars, I mention him ter my frien' wid a recommend, an' dat settles it, out he comes." "Two hundret tollaire!" cried Tulitz, almost piteously.

"Fi' t'ousan' tollaire!" he exclaimed, as the Justice fixed his bail, blending both his French and his German accent with strict impartiality, "V'y you not make him den, dwenty, a huntret t'ousandt!" A penniless prisoner in the Tombs is not an object of much consideration, as Tulitz discovered to his profound disgust.

Vat is fi' tousant tollaire? Many time I spend him viz no more care as I light my cigar. A bagatelle! But," and he added this with a curiously grim expression, "I haf no bagatelle to-day." The guard sidled up to Tulitz and whispered in his ear, "What'll yer gimme if I gitcher a bondsman?" "Ha!" said Tulitz, "you haf ze man?"

"Ven I efer t'ink my liperty cost me two huntret tollaire and I haf not got him. Zis blow kill all zat is to me of my self-respect! Je suis hors de moi-même!" "Why, you orter be able to raise dat much tin," said the guard. Tulitz jumped from his bed to the floor with a cry such as a wild beast might have given as it sprang from peril into safety.