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"Reckon that 'll be easier, but you'll know you've had a ride," said Dale, significantly. "What was that we had yesterday?" asked Bo, archly. "Only thirty miles, but cold an' wet. To-day will be fine for ridin'." "Milt, I'll take a blanket an' some grub in case you don't meet us to-night," said Roy. "An' I reckon we'll split up here where I'll have to strike out on thet short cut."

"Didn't we have a grand meeting?" she said, nodding lightly to first one and then the other. "I believe it's going to be all right, and you can tell your wives their children will go to a high-school yet. I'm so glad all you men came. Thank you very much " "You didn't need us." The man standing next to the steps laughed. "The work was done before to-night. You had your ducks in a row all right."

Certainly Forbes senior had lain in the same bedroom and watched Magdalen Tower through the trees while delaying to get up on chilly mornings. "Anything else to-night, sir?" said Hinton, as Forbes put down Belloc and began to clean a very crusty briar. "Nothing to-night." "Thank you, sir," said Hinton and took his departure, after poking up the fire and removing the dead tea things.

His mother listened with pardonable indignation against Mike Donovan and his companion. "I hope you won't have anything to do with that bad boy, Paul," she said. "I shan't, if I can help it," said Paul. "I didn't want to speak to him to-night, but I couldn't help myself. Oh, I forgot to say, when half the shirts are ready, I am to take them to Mr. Preston." "I think I can make one a day."

"Oh, Effie, you've come!" she exclaimed, the moment she saw her daughter. "George has been in. There's something wrong, I know I know there is. He came in just for a minute and he kissed me, and said he wasn't coming home to-night, and he he looked wild. He stuffed a few things into a bag, and said I wasn't to expect him back to-night. I didn't dare ask him about the money.

His open countenance, democratic manners, and pungent speech produced a most favorable impression, and it was undeniable that, for the moment at least, he had the house with him when he swung into his peroration. "You know we are told," he said, "that it is the truth that makes us free. Well, you are going to hear the truth to-night, at last.

He rose with an effort. "All right, then. To-night. Thank you, Brigit." As full of humble doubts as he had been the night he asked her to marry him, his honest eyes shining with the tears she had arrested in their course, he kissed her hand and withdrew. When she had heard the front door close she went to a mirror on the wall and looked at herself.

"I will give Conway his first lesson to-night," the captain said. Dancing had already begun when Captain O'Connor and Ralph drove up in a dog-cart to the Regans', who lived some four miles from Ballyporrit. O'Connor introduced Ralph to his host, and then hurried away.

"You came to-night from the Imperial Palace. What were you doing there?" "I was trying to gain admission, sir." "For what purpose?" "I wished," said Roland, rapidly outlining his defense in his own mind, "I wished to see some high officer; some one of your own position, sir, but was not so fortunate as to succeed.

"Perhaps you won't mind you will lend me I don't think my husband would notice now he is never at home except for breakfast and dinner " "Will I? For heaven's sake look upon them as your own. What will you take with you to-night?" "Oh! Nothing! Perhaps you will send me one tomorrow?" "One? I'll send a dozen. Let us select them now."