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Updated: August 7, 2024

"Let me go," he entreated, and stroked her beautiful hair. "Why?" "It is late, and the air in here is close. I should like to take a turn by the sea. Please " She looked at him, and a mysterious smile played about her full lips; she dropped his arm. He hastened away toward the shore, where the waves were rolling in, rattling the pebbles and striking the cliff with dull, heavy thuds.

Often Paul would wake up, after he had been asleep a long time, aware of thuds downstairs. Instantly he was wide awake. Then he heard the booming shouts of his father, come home nearly drunk, then the sharp replies of his mother, then the bang, bang of his father's fist on the table, and the nasty snarling shout as the man's voice got higher.

What, 'an wuld ye dare strike a servant o' the Lord? Let the deliverer appear, I say," he shouted, weaving in commands to us as he dealt stout blows about him and receded down the river bank. "Take that and that and that," I heard him shout, with a rat-tat-too of sharp thuds from the staff accompanying each word.

Appalled by the mighty thunder of the stars' voices above, and by the prospect of immediate capture if he turned back, Jimbo flew blindly on towards the moon, regardless of consequences. And below him the Pursuer came closer and closer. The strokes of its wings were no longer mere distant thuds that he heard when he paused in his own flight to listen; they were the audible swishing of feathers.

Only the creaking of the scattered cobblestones is heard, dying away in the misty air. Dan, who has taken a rest, is playing again; he is telling God about those who have perished at sea. The night is growing darker. Neither the rock nor the castle is visible now; only the light in the window is redder and brighter. The dull thuds of the tireless breakers are telling the story of different lives.

The boats had now come in close contact, and a furious battle at once commenced, the clattering of the sticks, the heavy thuds of the blows, and the shouts of the combatants creating a clamor that caused all the waterfowl within a circle of half a mile to fly screaming away across the lake.

A faint call echoed. Then without warning, nearer at hand the sharp ring of an ax sounded through the forest. For a moment they sat listening to the clear staccato knocking of the distant blows, and the more forceful thuds of the man nearer at hand. A bird or so darted from the direction of the sound and shot silently into the thicket behind them. "What are they doing?

He will jump up on Tom's shoulder and eat out of his hand and come when he calls and those big Brahmas don't you know how they were brought up by hand, as you might say, and they know me and hang around the door for crumbs, and that beauty of a Wyandock, you <i>couldn't</i> eat <i>him</i>!" When the matter is decided, as the guillotining is going on, Ellen and I sit listening to the axe thuds and the death squaks, while she wrings her hands, saying: "O dearie me!

A succession of welcoming thuds accompanied the tirade. As breath returned, I gasped out a brief account of the night. "And now," he exclaimed triumphantly, "I have news to translate ye to a sivinth hiven! Och! But it's clane cracked ye'll be when ye hear it. Now, who's appointed to trade with the buffalo hunters but y'r very self?"

So if you hear heavy thuds overhead, don't be alarmed!" "I won't," promised the Staff Captain. "I shall lie in bed, drinking a nice hot cup of tea, and wondering whether the last crash was the kitchen chimney, or only the drawing-room piano coming down another storey. Now show me my room."

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