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For whatever reason, symbols of the Grass blossomed on the Arc de Triomphe, on the Brandenburger Tor, on the pavement of the Ringstrasse and on the bridges spanning the Danube between Buda and Pesth. I find myself, in retrospect, involuntarily telescoping the time of events. Looking backward, years become days, and months minutes.

But I did not close my eyes: for all about me there rose a sea of most extraordinary sound... the hitherto empty and minute room became suddenly enormous: weird cries, oaths, laughter, pulling it sideways and backward, extending it to inconceivable depth and width, telescoping it to frightful nearness. Nor was my perplexity purely aural.

As Hall stood there he heard his wife's voice coming out of the depth of the cellar, with that rapid telescoping of the syllables and interrogative cocking up of the final words to a high note, by which the West Sussex villager is wont to indicate a brisk impatience. "George! You gart whad a wand?" At that he turned and hurried down to her.

He could see them sweeping in from the telescoping segments of the herds as the word went among them; he could see them streaking out of the foothills; and then, like wolves scattering for freer air and leg-room, he saw them dotting the tundra in their race for home and war, if it was war that lay ahead of them.

An' she asked me how long it would take to walk there, an' I told her half an hour. An' she's going to the cavern, Johnny!" He was telescoping his long glass as he spoke, and while Aldous was still staring toward the gorge in wonderment and a little fear, he added: "We'd better follow. Quade an' Rann can't get here inside o' two or three hours, an' we'll be back before then."

"My, my; that was some party!" the Negro chuckled, gathering up three empty pasteboard cartons and telescoping them together. "Dinner'll be ready in about half an hour, Mrs. Fleming. Shall I go mix the cocktails now?" "Yes; do that, Reuben. In the drawing-room." She watched the servant carry the discarded containers around the house, then turned to Rand.

For it consisted of a silver bibb, something like the nozzle of a soda- water fountain above which was a board containing a large number of tiny, numbered push buttons. Below the bibb was a space in which a cup might be set, and projecting from a tube at one side was a solid block of telescoping, transparent cups. "This," said Myrin, "is the Venusian Nutrition System.

I remember handling one some years ago in Cordova. When you have seen a fine example you are not apt to forget it. Why do you sell it?" Kelsey settled down upon his heels the upper half of his misshapen body telescoping the lower and shoved both hands into his pockets. "I did not come here to sell it" there was a touch of irony in his voice "I came to find out whether Kling could sell it.

Those thoroughfares, telescoping each other, one after another, seemed as if they would never come to an end. How tired I was! Even baby was no longer light, and the parcel on my wrist had become as heavy as lead. Towards four o'clock I came to a broad parapet which had strips of garden enclosed by railings and iron seats in front of them.

The whole scene was as quick as the flashing of a biograph. The driver struggled to keep his seat, clawing at the shiny roof of the cab; his fare, in a silk hat and pathetic frock coat, shot from the vehicle like a flying Mercury, and this time it seemed that nothing could keep us from telescoping the vehicle thus suddenly arrested a few feet ahead. But I reckoned without Molly.