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Yon lad, who is yet but a child, appears as blythe and merry as if he were in possession of all the world can afford. I have an affection for that bold child, and would fain teach him the rudiments, at least, of the Latin tongue." "I doubt if Tom would ever learn them, sir. He hath a will of his own."

You ought to go to him; he would be delighted to get hold of you, for there's nobody but yourself who would be of such use to him; and again, there's nobody but he who can teach you anything. The words of this stranger sunk deep into my heart. There was no more peace for me in Geneva. I was powerfully impelled to leave it, and at length I succeeded in getting free from my master.

It is only the spirit of giving that counts, and the very poor give without any self-consciousness. But I fear that I am dealing with generalities again. The education of children in my early days may have been straightlaced, yet I have always been thankful that the custom was quite general to teach young people to give systematically of money that they themselves had earned.

A class of men called amautas was trained to preserve and teach whatever knowledge existed in the country. It was their business to understand the quippus, keep in memory the historical poems, give attention to the science and practice of medicine, and train their pupils in knowledge.

But he just nacherally plumb likes the taste of the prunes." He followed his own suggestion by scampering away to the house and returned almost at once with a hat full of the prunes. "You want to feed him these now?" "First," said Bull, "I'd like to have you leave us alone. If I can't teach him to like me all by myself, then I'd better give up right away."

I'll bet there ain't no gal in your school knows more nor that little un does. Won'erful, the way she walks ahead!" "Get the school readers, hey! and teach her yourself do you?" queried Captain Nazro. "No, sir!" replied the old man; "I don't have no school readers.

Yea, more than this, as the holy martyr Justin speaketh of himself, we would give no credence to God Himself, if He should teach us any other Gospel.

How I did hate it when every one came up and shook hands with me, and asked after Margaret and papa, only just out of curiosity!" "Hush, hush, Ethel, what's the use of thinking such things?" A silence, then she exclaimed, "But, indeed, Richard, you don't fancy that I want to teach at Cocksmoor, because it is disagreeable at Stoneborough?" "No, indeed."

It is very true, I should never have taught the boy one thing to give you pain, brother Roland, though I don't remember," continued my father, with a perplexed look, "that I ever did teach it him, either! Pisistratus, as you value my blessing, respect as your ancestor Sir William de Caxton, the hero of Bosworth. Come, come, brother!"

Would you have them pious, you take them to church till they are sick of it; you teach them to gabble prayers until they long for the happy time when they will not have to pray to God. To teach them charity you make them give alms as if you scorned to give yourself.