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In taxi-cabs they arranged to start at once and proceed down White Plains Avenue, which parallels the Boston Road, until they were on a line with Kessler's, but from it hidden by the woods and the garages. A walk of a quarter of a mile across lots and under cover of the trees would bring them to within a hundred yards of the house. Wharton was to give them a start of half an hour.

People who had to catch trains were hurrying to stations; and people who had nowhere to go were hurrying still faster. Taxi-cabs were rushing people across the city; and other taxi-cabs were rushing them back again.

"Now, of course," Nan said firmly, "some street car must go within walking distance of Grace's house." "Of course, but which car?" demanded Bess. "That is the question, isn't it?" laughed Nan. "One of these taxi-cabs could take us," suggested Bess. "But they cost so much," objected her friend. "And we can't read those funny clocks they have and the chauffeur could overcharge us all he pleased.

That he might know they were on watch, they agreed, after they dismissed the taxi-cabs, to send one of them into the Boston Post Road past the road-house. When it was directly in front of the cafe, the chauffeur would throw away into the road an empty cigarette-case. From the cigar-stand they selected a cigarette box of a startling yellow. At half a mile it was conspicuous.

As long as he was within sight of the police-station windows he kept up the same gentle pace but as soon as he had turned the first corner his steps were quickened, and he made for a spot to which Melky had expected him to make a cab-rank, on which two or three taxi-cabs were drawn up.

"No mistaking him, naturally he's an extra good one to watch. He'd no luggage not even a handbag. I followed him to the taxi-cabs. I was close by when he stepped into one, and I heard what he said. 'Stage door Adalbert Theatre. Off he went I followed in another taxi. I stopped mine and got out, just in time to see him walk up the entry to the stage-door. He went in.

He finally corrals the whole crowd into a couple of taxi-cabs. They go down the street with everybody's head out of the cab-window and everybody's voice saying "The Suddington," "The Grunewurst," "Max's," "The Royal Gorge," "Perinique's." The revulsion from empty leisure in the direction of full-every-night leisure is balanced to some extent by a revulsion toward activity of a useful sort.

"You shouldn't speak to strange gentlemen, dear," said Aunt Anne. But Maggie did not listen. It was characteristic of Anne Cardinal that she should secure the only four-wheeler in the station, rejecting the taxi-cabs that waited in rows for her pleasure. Had Maggie only known, her aunt's choice was eloquent of their future life together. But Maggie did not know and did not care.

Le Moyne did not think it serious." He lied, and Dr. Ed knew he lied. The Lamb stood by the door, and Dr. Ed sat and waited. The office clock said half after three. Outside the windows, the night world went by taxi-cabs full of roisterers, women who walked stealthily close to the buildings, a truck carrying steel, so heavy that it shook the hospital as it rumbled by. Dr. Ed sat and waited.

Several taxi-cabs whirled past, both north and south bound, but he knew better than to hire them, so he waited as patiently as he could while those billows of intoxication continued to ebb and flow through his brain, robbing him of that careful judgment which he fought to retain.