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Updated: August 18, 2024

"By all 't's good an' bad!" swore Tom McNeil, a universal and sweeping oath he much affected, "they've got a whole sheep an' a side o' beef! Well, it's high livin', an' no mistake!" We who considered a few pies a baking, watched this wholesale cookery in bewildered fascination. A savory smell arose to heaven.

After dogs' dinners read to Lady T if required; if not, get up collars and flounces, laces, etcetera, for Lady T and Lady T's tirewoman.

"Will ye do it right off straight?" "Yes, if you will go at once." "Cross yer heart?" "What?" "Cross yer heart ye will? Thet's a sort o' oath t' make yer keep yer promus," explained Lizzie. "A lady needs no such thing to make her keep her promise. Don't you know that ladies always keep their promises?" "I wasn't so sure!" said Lizzie, "You can't most allus tell, 't's bes' to be on the safe side.

But gang up the stair canny, for fear that you should wauken her, puir thing; or, bide, I'll just wauken Jamie Fleep, an' gar him help me down wi't, for our stair's no just that canny for them 't's no acquaint wi't, let alane a frail man wi' your infirmity."

He twisted his cigarette at an acute angle with his face, and looked at me out of the corner of his eye. "I'll try to be a little plainer," he went on, sighing as one unused to deal with people who require crosses on their t's. "I've been worried almost out of my mind with attention nothing but attention the whole time.

"Oh, any search is pleasure," said the bus-conductor. "Especially if it's an abstract search." "'Tisn't," said Mr. Russell. "'T's a search for a person." The 'bus-conductor looked at the sky. "And are Anonyma and Kew going too?" she thought. You must bear in mind that she had deliberately plucked him from the side of Anonyma. "Perhaps any pleasure is wrong in these days," she said.

Roger he seemed so keen after. 'Very odd, said the squire. Roger said nothing, although he naturally felt some curiosity. He went into the drawing-room, not quite aware that his father was following him. Osborne sate at a table near the fire, pen in hand, looking over one of his poems, and dotting the i's, crossing the t's, and now and then pausing over the alteration of a word.

In this judgment he employed an excellent English accent, with a scarcely perceptible thickening of the t's and thinning of the d's. Mr. Ziegler left nothing to be said. Then the conversation sighed and really did expire. It might have survived had not the Spatts had a rule, explained previously to those whom it concerned, against talking shop. Their attachment to this rule was heroic.

The report of the three general officers, the Duke of Marlborough, Lord George Sackville, and General Waldegrave, was laid before the King last Saturday, after their having sat four days upon M t's affair: nobody yet knows what it is; but it is generally believed that M t will be brought to a court-martial.

You all hearn me: he's crazy, s'I; everything shows it, s'I. Look at that-air grindstone, s'I; want to tell ME't any cretur 't's in his right mind 's a goin' to scrabble all them crazy things onto a grindstone, s'I? Here sich 'n' sich a person busted his heart; 'n' here so 'n' so pegged along for thirty-seven year, 'n' all that natcherl son o' Louis somebody, 'n' sich everlast'n rubbage.

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