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Four elements, joined in Harmonious strife, Shadow the world forth, And typify life. Into the goblet The lemon's juice pour; Acid is ever Life's innermost core. Now, with the sugar's All-softening juice, The strength of the acid So burning reduce. The bright sparkling water Now pour in the bowl; Water all-gently Encircles the whole.

Packard made his own sandwich, found the salt, poured a tin cup of coffee. "The sugar's over there." She jerked her head toward a shelf on which, after some searching among a lot of empty and nearly empty cans, Packard found it. "That's all there is and precious little left; help yourself but don't forget breakfast comes in the morning." "This is the old Slade place, isn't it?" Packard asked.

"A man has a sense of duty for all that." "Well," rising with a dejected air, "if you're not coming, good-bye. It will be lovely paddling! Aunt's given me some lettuce sandwiches and two apple turnovers. One was for you, but I suppose I can eat them both. The sugar's leaked all round the edge lovely!" The stern disciple of business watched her tie on her sun-bonnet with mingled feelings.

"If you will bear with me for a minute or two, until the sugar's melted, I'll tell you all about it." It was a successful combination. Bakkus sang his ballads and an occasional humorous song of the moment to Andrew's accompaniment on mandolin or one-stringed violin, and Andrew conjured and juggled comically, using Bakkus as his dull-witted foil.

Placing my saddle on Jemmy's horse, we followed on the track for six miles, when we came to a few granite rocks, with a little water on them, from rain that had fallen during the night. At this place Morgan was left with the horses and our guns, while Jemmy and I followed on Sugar's tracks, taking only a revolver with us.

I've seen what other women folks has to go through with, being obliged to screw every way an' make up things out o' nothing, afraid to say the flour's gone or the sugar's out. Them very husbands is the ones that'll find most fault if their tables ain't spread with what they want. I know now what made your wife always look so pleased an' contented."

"They're paid for it; it's their duties; just as it's my duty to sell Hubbles and Grease's sugar. It's not for me to say the sugar's bad, or the samples not equal to the last. My duty is to sell, and I sell; and it's their duty to get a verdict." "But the truth, Moulder !" said Kenneby. "Gammon!" said Moulder. "Begging your pardon, Mrs. Smiley, for making use of the expression.

"There's just exactly twenty-nine pounds with the bucket. Sugar's been sellin' for twelve and a-half this winter, and I guess I ought to have that for it, then we'll be about even, according to my calculation." "Sugar!" ejaculated Janet, touching the solid black mass with her finger. "Call you that sugar?" "Why, yes, I call it sugar. Not the best, maybe, but it's better than it looks.

She carried Davy away, her oval girlish cheek pressed against his curly yellow head. As they went up the stairs Davy flung a tired arm about Anne's neck and gave her a warm hug and a sticky kiss. "You're awful nice, Anne. Milty Boulter wrote on his slate today and showed it to Jennie Sloane, "'Roses red and vi'lets blue, Sugar's sweet, and so are you"

They know that I've thought Grey Abbey dull, and have avoided it; and now that I've determined to get over the feeling, because I think it right to do so, they make it ten times more unbearable than ever, for my gratification! It's like giving a child physic mixed in sugar; the sugar's sure to be the nastiest part of the dose.