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I love you! Ever since I met you I have known that you were the one girl in this vast world whom I would die to win! Mary, will you be mine? Shall we go round together? Will you fix up a match with me on the links of life which shall end only when the Grim Reaper lays us both a stymie?" She drooped towards him. "Mortimer!" she murmured. He held out his arms, then drew back.

He may dodge a stymie or circumvent an inconvenient piece of the green over which, without the cut, the ball would have to travel. But most frequently will the accomplished putter find the cut of use to him when there is a pronounced slope of the green from the right-hand side of the line of the putt.

Hermy and Ursy ran down the steps into the garden where he sat still yelling with laughter, and still Georgie's imagination went no further than to suppose that one of them had laid a stymie for the other at their golf, or driven a ball out of bounds or done some other of these things that appeared to make the game so diverting to them. "Georgie, you'll never guess!" cried Hermy.

This is a very useful stroke to practise, for the particular kind of stymie to which it applies occurs very frequently, and is one of the most exasperating of all. Most of these fancy putting strokes stand a very poor chance of success on a very slow green. Cut and top and all these other niceties will not work on a dull one.

What I mean is, Maud loves you, and all that, and all you've got to think out is a scheme for laying the jolly old family a stymie. It's a pity almost that yours isn't a case of having to win the girl, like me; because by Jove, laddie," said Reggie with solemn emphasis, "I could help you there. I've got the thing down fine. I've got the infallible dope." George smiled bleakly. "You have?

They may leave themselves another stymie, they may knock the other ball in, or they may be anything but dead after their first stroke, indeed, it is when defying their fate in this manner that everything is likely to happen for the worst. The common method of playing a stymie is by pitching your ball over that of your opponent, but this is not always possible.

At this crisis, also, he should be particularly careful that he never commits the unpardonable sin of laying himself, or rather his partner, a stymie. Of all the stymies in the world, that which has been laid you by your own partner in a foursome is the most exasperating.

Usually it will be better to aim at going very near to the stymie with the object of getting up dead, making quite certain at the same time that you do not bungle the whole thing by hitting the other ball, or else to play to the left with much cut, so that with a little luck you may circle into the hole. Evidently the latter would be a somewhat hazardous stroke to make.

The sight he saw drove the blood from his face and left him white and haggard. The King and the Grand Vizier were playing a foursome against the Pro and the High Priest of Hec, and the Vizier had just laid the High Priest a dead stymie. Ascobaruch tottered to the chariot. "Take me back," he muttered, pallidly. "I've forgotten something!"

The four-ball foursome Its inferiority to the old-fashioned game The case of the long-handicap man Confusion on the greens The man who drives last The old-fashioned two-ball foursome Against too many foursomes Partners and each other Fitting in their different games The man to oblige The policy of the long-handicap partner How he drove and missed in the good old days On laying your partner a stymie A preliminary consideration of the round Handicapping in foursomes A too delicate reckoning of strokes given and received A good foursome and the excitement thereof A caddie killed and a hole lost A compliment to a golfer.