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Or again, if the shoulder straps of their large baskets should break on the way, if a stump should fall against them, or the note of the spider-hunter be heard, or if a woman strikes her foot by accident against any object, the party must return as before.

"Dod! whip him up," continued he, seeing that his companion was intently gazing at some object ahead, and exhibiting as many marks of alarm as Pete. "It's nothing but a stump!" said Sneak, going forwards and kicking the object, which was truly nothing more than he took it to be.

The coolie temples are curious places to those who have never before been face to face with real heathendom. Their mark is, generally, a long bamboo with a pennon atop, outside a low dark hut, with a broad flat verandah, or rather shed, outside the door. Under the latter, opposite each door, if I recollect rightly, is a stone or small stump, on which offerings are made of red dust and flowers.

Then the torch lied out, and our old guide, pointing through an archway with the blackened stump of it, said: "'Twas here they kept them indeed, yes!" We saw before us a sort of vault, stone-built, and low, and long. The light there was too dim for us to make out anything but walls and heaps of rusting scrap-iron cast away there and mouldering own.

I badly want a pipe. The next piece of shade that you see, sing out, and we'll put in there." "Pull your left," said Mike. "That willow's what you want." Uncle John looked over his shoulder, caught a crab, recovered himself, and steered the boat in under the shade of the branches. "Put the rope over that stump. Can you manage with one hand? Here, let me Done it? Good. A-ah!"

It was a splendid sight to see this vast and busy crowd inspired by a common purpose, and with the true instinct of discipline, forever forming into column at the foot of the stump. Toward dusk the reddish ants, which may be termed quarriers, gave up work, and this was the signal for the workers below to return home.

And, indeed, Dick required no rocking when, after a refreshing wash, he stretched his long limbs in his hammock. His sleep was dreamless. He awoke at sundown strong in the conviction that he had hardly closed his eyes. He and Stump shared the tent, and Dick's uncertain gaze first dwelt on his skipper, who was seated at the door, smoking.

There is at present a lowering cloud on prospect of righteous rule in many of the Southern States, but the relative rights and responsibilities of equitable government, enunciated from desk in church, schoolhouse, or from stump in grove by the Republicans during and since reconstruction, have been an education to the poor whites, hitherto ignorant and in complete political thraldom to the landed class, and to the freedman a new gospel, whose conception was necessarily limited to his rights as a newly-fledged citizen.

He was unaware of the fact that throughout the interview he had held the stump of cigar between his teeth. He held it there yet, pacing, pacing up and down the long room. Then came the expected summons. The telephone bell rang. Monte Irvin clenched his hands and inhaled deeply. His color changed in a manner that would have aroused a physician's interest.

But all that doesn't make you a murderer though I don't say it proves you could never have been one." "I have been one, Denver I swear to you." "Perhaps." He meditated. "Just tell me one or two things." "Oh, go ahead. You won't stump me!" Granice heard himself say with a laugh. "Well how did you make all those trial trips without exciting your sister's curiosity?