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Many of the bravest officers were down, and the Northern regiments, standing staunchly to their work, had been strongly reinforced. Ashby for once had been mistaken. It was no rearguard that barred the road to Winchester, but Shields' entire division, numbering at least 9000 men.

They led us into the shell of the place, the stone walls being still staunchly erect; but the roof was gone, and in the cinders and dust on the planks of an inner room they showed us a big dull-brown smear. This, they told us, pointing, was the place where he lay. One man in pantomime acted out the drama of the discovery of the body.

Before each of these was placed a huge portion of food, enough, the witness declares, for four, and though all were gorged to suffocation, with starting eyeballs and distended veins, they still held staunchly to their task, resolved at all costs to devour the whole, in order to cure the patient, who meanwhile ceased not in feeble tones, to praise their exertions, and implore them to persevere.

"You can stay here in safety, you know, if you renounce Joseph Smith and his works they will give you food and shelter." He repeated it to each little group of the dispirited wretches as they staggered past him, but they replied staunchly by word or look, and one man, in the throes of a chill, swung his cap and uttered a feeble "Hurrah for the new Zion!"

Jackson, retreating by Aldie Gap, would have joined Longstreet west of the mountains; Pope would have escaped defeat, but the Confederates would have lost nothing. Moreover, it is well to remember that the Confederate cavalry was in every single respect, in leading, horsemanship, training, and knowledge of the country, superior to the Federal. The whole population, too, was staunchly Southern.

She had grown more sure of herself in speaking. The last came staunchly. "It seems," she added, "that it would be enough for us to do. And the thing for which we are best fitted." Katie was silent; she could not bear to say to her friend her mother's friend that it did not seem to her enough to do, or the thing for which she was best fitted.

The elections thus far held indicated a surprising revolt against his new Democratic gospel of popular sovereignty. As the autumn advanced the omens grew worse. New Hampshire and Connecticut had already manifested their disapproval. Iowa, hitherto staunchly Democratic, was carried by the Whigs. The later New England elections showed the most amazing Democratic defection.

But when she saw Columbine she sucked up her breath. "My, but she'll be a care!" was her verdict. "She don't know how lovely she is," the dying woman had whispered. "Don't tell her!" And Mrs. Peck had staunchly promised to keep the secret, so far as lay in her power. That had happened six months before, and Columbine was out of mourning now.

A minority of the members of the Committee favored the limitation of the number of Jewish aldermen to one-half, but the majority staunchly defended the old norm, which was one-third. The curious principle of municipal justice by virtue of which the majority of house owners and tax-payers were to be ruled by the representatives of the minority carried the day.

But he stood his ground staunchly for a youngster, returning fierce look for fierce look, growl for growl, until the man called him away and chained him to a kennel. For days Comet remained chained, a stranger in a strange land.