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All round and under it is a arch, where I spoze the poor condemned prisoners wuz kep' and the wild beasts that wuz to fight with 'em and kill 'em for the pleasure of the populace. Miss Meechim got dretful worked up seein' it, and she and Arvilly had words, comparin' old times and new, and the different wild beasts they encourage and let loose on the public.

But we couldn't read the strange writin' on it to save our life. Some say that they wuz raised by Cleopatra in honor of the birth of her son, Cæsarion. But I d'no if she laid out to write about it so's I could read it, she'd ort to write plainer; I couldn't make out a word on't nor Josiah couldn't. Cleopatra wuz dretful good lookin', I spoze, and a universal favorite with the opposite sect.

That is often done by pardners of both sects, when they feel real guilty, to try to draw attention off their own misdoin's, by findin' fault with their pardners. It has been done time and agin, and I spoze will be, as long as man is man, and woman is woman. When I told him that I rid down there with Deacon Gansey, that man acted jealous and mad as a hen.

I spoze it wuz some as if when you tapped a barrel filled with pure water, why pure water would flow out of it. And I spoze he wuz so full of his great life work aginst that gigantick evil Intemperance, that them ideas had to flow out when the plug of silence wuz removed.

The only incident that mellered it down any and made it a little less miracalous wuz the fact that he never had been called by his full name. He always has been, is now, and I spoze always will be called Krit Krit Allen. But still it wuz in spite of this mellerin' and amelioratin' circumstance strikin' and skairful enough to fill me with or.

For the national system is fur more firm and steadfast than the physical. "Fifty years hence I spoze the money will all be safe and gainin' interest, so if that is what a woman is married for she will keep her attraction and even increase it. But fifty years hence where will her beauty be, if she wuz married alone for that? Where are its powerful attractions? All gone.

But at last he wuz made to understand; but when Josiah made him know where he wanted to go the interpreter said that the sedan carriers wanted a yen, and my poor pardner had another struggle. Sez he: "You consarned fool, how do you spoze I can give you a hen? Do you spoze I can git into my hen house ten thousand milds off to git you a hen? Or do you want me to steal one for you?"

Good land! them that sets a fire knows that there has got to be smoke and blisters, there must be. The officers they wuz just dumb-foundered at the sight of a woman with a bask waist on in that position a bein' court-martialed for desertion and her speech dumb-foundered 'em still more, so I spoze; I hearn it from one who wuz there.

And he had a good deal of sternness and resolve gin him, to make up, I spoze, for a lack of tenderness and sweetness of nater. A good sound man Deacon Garven wuz, a man who would cheat himself before he would cheat a neighber. He wuz jest full of qualities that would hender him from ever takin' a front part in a scandel and a tragedy.

Wall, the Jonesville men have been in the habit of holdin' her up as a pattern to their wives for some time, and the Jonesville wimmen hain't hated her so bad as you would spoze they all would under the circumstances, on account, we all think, of her bein' such a good-hearted little creeter. We all like Drusilly and can't help it.