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I look at the gardener, disappointment in my face, and tell him that the place seems sorrily shrunken from the high estate that it had held in my remembrance, and he returns, with quiet laughter, by asking me how long it is since I was there. I tell him, and he remembers me. Ah! I say, I was a great nuisance, I believe.

"I, too, cost a good deal, like the horses and wagons and corn," she said, looking up sorrily. "I didn't want you to look at those; I merely meant to give you an idea of my investment transactions. But if you do cost as much as they, never mind. You'll yield a better return." "Don't think of me like that!" she begged. "A mere chattel." "A what? Oh, a dictionary word.

I was more than ever convinced of her wisdom in choice of garb when in early morning I glimpsed her with the two other women at the Adams fire; for, bright-haired and small, she had been sorrily dulled by the plain ill-fitting waist and long shapeless skirt in one garment, as adopted by the feminine contingent of the train.

He laughed sorrily and softly. "Oh, go yes, go! It's it's long past Elly Precious' bedtime." He could hear soft sobbing as he went away. Miss Theodosia was mourning for her baby. The Man Person's throat tightened; he broke into a run. Stefana met Miss Theodosia at an inner door. She had her hat on and Carruthers by the hand. "I'm going home to put him to bed. I I shan't look at the clothes basket.

Verily, that we might have naught to justify our practice withal: for if the Scriptures belong only to baptized believers, they then belong not to the rest; and in truth, if they could persuade us to yield them this grant, we should but sorrily justify our practice. But I would ask these men, 'If the word of God came out from them?

I just didn't know who you might be !" She stopped, caught her breath and tried to laugh, but it ended sorrily, almost in a sob. "Well, I don't wonder," said Reyburn, trying to find something reassuring to say. "The truth is, I was rather upset about you. I didn't quite know who you might turn out to be, you see!" "Oh!"

A strand of hair fell athwart her eyes and she brushed it aside. "But I? I, whom you have made dance so sorrily? but I?" "To-night I saw you . . . I could see you," incoherently, "alone, bereft of the friend you loved and who loved you. . . . I thought of you as you faced them all that day! . . . How calm and brave you were! . . . You said that some day you would force me to love you.

Rudely puffed the winds of heaven; roguishly clomb up the all-destructive urchin; and, lo! in a moment night re-established her void empire, and the cit groped along the wall, suppered but bedless, occult from guidance, and sorrily wading in the kennels.

Rather I would in every way beseech your gentleness and favour, for I am now worse bested than ever, having lost my way, my cloak, and my poor horse. To have a riding-rod and spurs, and never a horse to sit upon! And before all," he added, looking ruefully upon his clothes "before all, to be so sorrily besmirched!" "Tut!" cried Dick. "Would ye mind a ducking?

Mid-Victorian England lay on that mahogany bed. Ideals had passed away with John Baines. It is thus that ideals die; not in the conventional pageantry of honoured death, but sorrily, ignobly, while one's head is turned.