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Naturally, when it cut loose, it was rather violent. "The main generator had been damaged, no doubt, so it stopped working, and the gravitational attraction of the photons wasn't enough, without its influence to hold them bound too long. All those floods of energy were released instantaneously, of course. "Look there come the Lanorians now. I want to go back to Sonor and think over this problem.

"I'll get in touch with Sonor and tell 'em the shooting is over, so they can get some sleep too. "It's obvious a bunch of high-power research teams are going to be needed in both countries. Earth has every reason to respect Sonoran mental sciences as well as Kaxorian light-engineering. And Earth as we just thoroughly demonstrated has some science of her own.

Perhaps they could fly it to Sonor; or it could be left there undestroyed if he would open a certain control just before he left. Arcot showed him which one it would drain out the power of the great storage tank, throwing it harmlessly against the clouds above. The Kaxorians might destroy the machine if they wanted to Arcot felt that they would not wish to.

But even as the plane spun downward, the pilot had managed to release a magnesium flare, a blindingly brilliant light that floated down on a parachute, and in the blaze of the white light it gave off, the other scouts at a few miles distance had seen the mighty bulk of the Kaxorian plane. At once they had dropped to the ground and then, by telephone lines, had sent their report to far off Sonor.

Arcot had snapped the loud speaker into the circuit once more, and now as they looked at the sudden crash below, there thundered up to them mighty waves of sound! The giant plane had struck about twenty feet from the top of a nearly perpendicular cliff. The terrific crash was felt by seismographs in Sonor nearly two thousand miles away!

"Our friends in Sonor are not going to want the problem either; they just wanted the Kaxorians combed out of their hair. "As I say we've got it, now but what do we do with it?" "It's basically their problem, isn't it?" protested Fuller. Morey looked somewhat stricken, and thoroughly bewildered. "I hadn't considered that aspect very fully; I've been too darned busy trying to stay alive."

They would hope, with reason, they might recapture it! It would be impossible to move that tremendous machine without the power that its "tank" was intended to hold. Slowly they cruised back to Sonor, Arcot still engrossed in thought. Would it be that Venus would fall before the attack of the mighty planes, that they would sweep out across space, to Earth to Mars to other worlds, a cosmic menace?

Take some of the Immorpho and give me some, and we can let the sleep accumulate till we have more time! Look we're in Sonor already! Land us, Fuller right where we were, and then come back here. We're going to need you!" The gorgeous display of a Venerian dawn was already coloring the east as the great buildings seemed to rise silently about them.

His three companions, equally depressed and without a workable idea, remained silent. Abruptly Arcot stood up. "I'm going to speak with the Commander-in-Field here. Then we can start back for Sonor and maybe we had better head for home. It looks as though there is little we can do here." Briefly he spoke to the young Venerian officer, and told him what he had learned about the ship.

It required diligent research to bring it to life again, for it is a very inefficient machine or was. Of late, however, we have been able to improve it, and now it is used in commerce to smelt our ores. It was this alone that allowed this city to put up the slight resistance that we did. We were surely doomed. This is the capital of Lanor, Sonor. We and the nation would have fallen but for you.