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With all this were mingled hints of her old superstition, forebodings of something fearful about to happen, perhaps the great final catastrophe of all things, according to the prediction current in the kitchens of Rockland. "Hark!" Old Sophy would say, "don' you hear th' crackin' 'n' th' snappin' up in Th' Mountain, 'n' th' rollin' o' th' big stones?

An' there's this great dufference between you an' her, that she's not only happy hersel', but she does her best to mak other folk happy but you, wi' your girnin' an' snappin', are always doin' the best ye can to mak everybody aboot ye meeserable." "Tuncan," retorted the sire, with solemn candour, "it iss the same compliment I can return to yoursel' with interest, my boy whatever."

"Have you ever read Monte Cristo?" sez I. "No," sez she. "Then don't you do it," sez I. "Your head's about as far turned now as your neck'll stand, an' what you ought to do is to learn how to cook an' sew." She looked at me with her eyes snappin', but in a second her face broke into a grin. "The' ain't a mite o' use in your tryin' that," sez she.

Why, I 've seen Miry take up a barrel o' flour, and lift it right into the kitchen; and it would jest make the pink come into her cheeks like two roses, but she never seemed to mind it a grain. She had a good strong back of her own, and she was straight as a poplar, with snappin' black eyes, and I tell you there was a snap to her tongue too.

She squeezed my hand hard and her eyes were wet with tears when she stepped on the train; but she tried to smile, she sure did. Well, that winter rolled by without a break. Me an' Jabez had just about learned how to take each other, an' we didn't stretch our harness to the snappin' point.

'What's the good of growlin' and snappin'? says Burke. 'We're all goin' in regular, I suppose, share and share alike? The men nodded. 'Well, there's only one way to make things shipshape, and that's to have a captain. We'll pick one of ourselves, and whatever he says we'll bind ourselves to do life or death. Is that it, boys? 'Yes, yes, that's the only way, came from all hands.

See the face of her, with the little snappin' eyes an' the yellow beak of a nose, an' the sunset in her cheeks that's put on wid a painter's brush! Look at her trippin' about! Floatin' shure, that's what she's doin'! If you listened hard, you'd hear her buzzin'. It's the truth I tell ye. D'ye follow me?"

"You see," he went on, turning to us, "they aim to catch you asleep and they creep up right soft and take holt of you take holt of a year usually and clamp their teeth and just hang on for further orders. Some says they hang on till it thunders, same as snappin' turtles. But that's a lie, I judge, because there's weeks on a stretch down here when it don't thunder.

With all this were mingled hints of her old superstition, forebodings of something fearful about to happen, perhaps the great final catastrophe of all things, according to the prediction current in the kitchens of Rockland. "Hark!" Old Sophy would say, "don' you hear th' crackin' 'n' th' snappin' up in 'Th' Mountain, 'n' th' rollin' o' th' big stones?

"They say it breaks their strinth, too," replied his father, "to be crubbin' them in too much, an' snappin' at thim for every hand's turn, an' I'm sure it does too." "Doesn't he become the pock-marks well, the crathur?" said the mdther. "Become!" said the father; "but doesn't the droop in his eye set him off all to pieces!"