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At the same rate, you ought to be able to purchase with your scores at least the whole of Zurich, together with the Sieben Churfursten and the lake. Whether Madame Erard will be inclined to dispose of a grand piano on the advantageous terms you mention is a questionable question, which I shall put to her when I have the chance.

Neueste Reisen durch die Sieben Vereinigten-Provinzen. Von Volkman. Leip. 1783. 8vo. This is a valuable work, comprising the arts, manufactures, agriculture, economy, manners, &c. of the United Provinces. Briefe uber die Vereinigten Niederlande. Von Grabner. Gothen, 1792. 8vo. Lettres sur la Hollande Ancienne et Moderne. Par Beaumarchais. Frankfort, 1738. 8vo.

He has sold himself to the devil for the charmed bullets, the last of which had brought down the eagle, and the time for the delivery of his soul is to come on the morrow. He asks a respite on the promise to deliver another victim into the demon's hands, his companion Max. What, asks the Black Huntsman, is the proffered victim's desire? The magical bullets. Sechse treffen, Sieben affen!

Froude, have manifested their dramatic power of making the past present and the distant near. That the excess of this power is not always compatible with perfect impartiality may be admitted; for a poetic capacity is generally attended by heats of enthusiasm, and is liable to errors of detail; but without some share of it Die Zeiten der Vergangenheit Sind uns ein Buch mit sieben Siegeln.

Up the river, on the other side, about three or four miles off, the Sieben Gebirgen were plainly to be seen, the summits of them tipped with ancient ruins. After Rollo had been sitting there about half an hour, Mr. George came home. It was then about one o'clock. "Well, Rollo," said he, "we are going up the river.

Ostensibly it attends to the safety of the monarch, and of distinguished personages generally, and the numerous suite that used to accompany the Kaiser on his visits to England invariably included two or three top-hatted representatives of the section. The ramifications of Abteilung Sieben are, in reality, much wider.

Grimly smiling, returning their salutes and without pause, limping to his waiting carriage came his answer: "Sieben Buchstaben, meine Herren!" In Germany military parlance this means the Emperor's signature, Wilhelm II, to the mobilization orders. In order to give the reader a fairly correct view of this mighty organization, I have to explain each group separately.

"Sieben yahr I hef stay," protested Hooven, "and who will der ditch ge-tend, und alle dem cettles drive?" "Well, Harran's your man," answered Presley, preparing to mount his bicycle. "Say, you hef hear about dose ting?" "I don't hear about anything, Bismarck. I don't know the first thing about how the ranch is run."

The curtain rises on a rocky Norwegian fiord where a sailing-vessel has found shelter from a storm that is raging on the open sea. Daland, the skipper, has gone ashore to survey the land and to find out, if he can, whither his ship has been driven. He recognizes the spot: it is Sandwike, and the tempest has blown him "sieben Meilen" out of his course.

I thought the Governor was going to manage without his tenants this year." "Ach, Meest'r Ennixter," cried the other, straightening up. "Ach, dat's you, eh? Ach, you bedt he doand menege mitout me. Me, I gotta stay. I talk der straighd talk mit der Governor. I fix 'em. Ach, you bedt. Sieben yahr I hef bei der rench ge-stopped; yais, sir. Efery oder sohn-of-a-guhn bei der plaice ged der sach bud me.