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On "pay-nights," once a fortnight, when other boys of his age were getting a sixpence, or perhaps even a shilling, as pocket-money, so that they could spend a few coppers on the things that delight a boy's heart, Robert resolutely refused to take a penny. For years he continued thus, always solacing himself with the thought that it was a "shilling's worth less of worry" his mother would have.

I like Mas' Dellow as well as I like Mas' Lynton, and t'other way on; but gold aren't silver, messmates, and what we might do over a shilling's a diffrun thing to what a man feels boun' to do over a pound.

"It takes me back to Pimlico that night when we went shopping together you bought me a shilling's worth." "I wish someone would come; then we'd get out of it," remarked Windebank. But his wife did not appear to listen; she was lost in thought. Then she clung desperately to his arm. "What is it?" he asked tenderly. "It's love I want; love. Nothing else matters. Love me: love me: love me.

While Wolf Larsen held his wrist he stirred uneasily, bowing his body so that for a moment it rested on shoulders and heels. His lips moved, and he gave voice to this enigmatic utterance: "A shilling's worth a quarter; but keep your lamps out for thruppenny-bits, or the publicans 'll shove 'em on you for sixpence."

Here they changed horses at the Fountain Inn. "Look here, my boy," the woman said to Ralph. "If you feel underneath my feet you will find a basket, and at the top there is an empty bottle. There will be just time for you to jump down and get it filled for me. A shilling's worth of brandy, and filled up with water.

'May I come with you? asked the little maid, and went off into a prattle: 'I spent that five shillings I bought a shilling's worth of sweet stuff, and nine penn'orth of twine, and a shilling for small wax candles to light in my room when I'm going to bed, because I like plenty of light by the looking-glass always, and they do make the room so hot!

"That is, not exactly young," "You're an old fool to tell such lies!" "Of course I'm an old fool; but I endeavor to be veracious. I never didn't take a shilling as were yours, nor a shilling's worth, all the years I have known you, Mr. Prosper." "What has that to do with it? I'm not a young man." "What am I to say, sir? Shall I say as you are middle-aged?" "The truth is, Matthew, I'm worn out."

It was on the evening preceding the opening of Passover that Esther Ansell set forth to purchase a shilling's worth of fish in Petticoat Lane, involuntarily storing up in her mind vivid impressions of the bustling scene. It is one of the compensations of poverty that it allows no time for mourning. Daily duty is the poor man's nepenthe.

Agatha's color went, and came again with increased richness as she read: "I have arrived safe and ridiculously happy. Read a thousand things between the lines. I will write tomorrow. Good night." "You may read it," said Agatha, handing it to Jane. "Very pretty," said Jane. "A shilling's worth of attention exactly twenty words! He may well call himself an economist."