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He walked about as usual, and ate his food as though all were right. After an hour had elapsed the bandage was untied, and ten minutes after death overtook him. A she-ass received the wourali-poison in the shoulder, and died apparently in ten minutes. An incision was then made in its windpipe, and through it the lungs were regularly inflated for two hours with a pair of bellows.

If you have a mind that we two should go back and look for him, let me put up this she-ass at my house and I'll be back at once. 'You will be doing me a great kindness, said the owner of the ass, 'and I'll try to pay it back in the same coin. It is with all these circumstances, and in the very same way I am telling it now, that those who know all about the matter tell the story.

In his hero, Cervantes has given us the picture of a great and benevolent philosopher, and in his Sancho, a complete personification of the world, selfish and cunning, and yet overawed by the genius that he cannot comprehend: alive to all the material interests of existence, yet sighing after the ideal; securing his four young foals of the she-ass, yet indulging in dreams of empire.

That swift and slimy artist-chap had chipped in while he was thinking what he should do. Silver hated artists not as the result of experience, for he had never met one in the flesh before, but from instinct, conviction, and knowledge of the race acquired from books. Artists and poets: they were all alike dirty beggars, all manners and no morals, who could talk the hind-leg off a she-ass.

In spite of her age and virtues, this lady inspired them with neither love nor fear. Robin called her an old goat, Maxime an old she-ass, and Sulpice, the ass of Balaam. They teased little Mirande in all sorts of ways; they would dirty her pretty clothes by making her fall face downward on the stones. Once they pushed her head right up to the neck into a barrel of treacle.

"Now Balaam's she-ass has also started to talk!" said the old man, laughing. "Well! what will be next?" "You are very proud of your wisdom, papa." "And what else?" "That isn't good; and it pains me greatly. Why do you repulse me? You know that, save you, I have no one." Tears leaped to her eyes; her father noticed them, and his face quivered. "If you were not a girl!" he exclaimed.

"By God," said Sanchica, "I can go just as well mounted on a she-ass as in a coach; what a dainty lass you must take me for!" "Hush, girl," said Teresa; "you don't know what you're talking about; the gentleman is quite right, for 'as the time so the behaviour; when it was Sancho it was 'Sancha; when it is governor it's 'senora; I don't know if I'm right."

Instead therefore, of obeying the reins, the animal bore away the car to the vicinity of its dam, viz., the she-ass that had brought it forth. Matanga, dissatisfied with this, began to strike repeatedly the animal with his goad on its nose. Beholding those marks of violence on her child's nose, the she-ass, full of affection for him, said 'Do not grieve, O child, for his treatment.

The prince, however, presented him, not only with his liberty, but with a she-ass; and loaded the animal with partridges and capons, as a present for the invalid.

Goats, kids, cocks, and hens, also occupied this courtyard, and the big, white she-ass, the only representative of the equine race as far as we could see in Dhofar, on which Wali Suleiman makes his state journeys to the various villages in his dominions along the coast, and which he kindly lent to me once when we went to visit the ruins.