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With the aid of two men, her daughter, a serving-maid, and the page, it took her all of five minutes by the clock to get herself seated.

In a moment there was the sound of hurrying feet, the sudden opening of a door, and again a shaft of light cut through the hall. Men and women rushed in from the adjoining room with loud and eager inquiry. Then Sir John, closely followed by Lord Rosmore. "Quick! More lights!" he said. "Who is it screaming for help?" "Is it some serving-maid in distress?" cried Branksome.

The next advance is to be decided between himself and the faithful Marco, and is to be debated over many cups of black coffee, not to name glasses of sugar-and- water and the like exciting beverages. This billet must always be conveyed to her by her serving-maid, who must be bribed by Marco for the purpose.

Hubert noted the worn frock-coats, and the miserable arms coming out of shirtless sleeves. One looked up inquiringly, and Hubert thought how slight had become the line that divided him from the outcast. A serving-maid collected the plates, knives and forks, when the customers left, and carried them back to the great zinc counter.

"Then, my Lord, I must bid you beware of what you propose. Your wife must be chosen from the highest in the land, and not from the lowliest. It is not fitting that you should endeavour to raise a serving-maid to the position of Countess von Schonburg. You would lose caste among your equals, and bring unhappiness upon us both."

The second course was cold roast beef and hot potatoes, served in three different ways, with rolls and plenty of wine. The third course was offered to me first by a handsome serving-maid lately from the country, with a clear face, bright dark eyes, dark hair, and rosy cheeks.

She is slowly, with bashful lowered eyes, mounting the stairs, when Ortrud, who in magnificent apparel has been following in her train, steps quickly before her, with the startling command, given in a furious voice: "Back, Elsa! I will no longer endure to follow you like a serving-maid! Everywhere shall you yield me precedence, and with proper deference bow before me!"

Why, Daniel, she actually bosses you!" "Yes, yes; well, never mind," shrugged the man, a bit irritably. "We're talking about how she annoys YOU, not me, remember." "Well, don't you suppose it annoys me to see my own brother so completely under the sway of this serving-maid? And such a maid! Daniel, will you tell me where she gets those long words of hers that she mixes up so absurdly?"

The woman answered, "Yes, lord, and I am his Queen." "We have heard of King Sigmund," said Alv's father. "His fame and the fame of his race, the Volsungs, is over the wide world." Alv said no word to either of the women, but his eyes stayed on the one who had on the garb of a serving-maid. She was on her knees, wrapping in a beast's skin two pieces of a broken sword.

The one clad in the queenly garb said, "When I was young I used to rise to milk the cows, and I waken ever since at the same hour." The Queen-mother said to herself, "It is a strange country in which the royal maids rise to milk the cows." Then she said to the one who wore the clothes of the serving-maid: "How dost thou know in the dark hours when the dawn is coming?"