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Fujinami Gentaro joined once or twice in these debates, and announced sententiously: "Twenty years ago Japan defeated China and took Korea. Ten years ago we defeated Russia and took Manchuria. This year we defeat Germany and take Tsingtao. In ten years we shall defeat America and take Hawaii and the Philippines. In twenty years we shall defeat England and take India and Australia.

The servant smiled, and took the coin. "He's in," was the reply. "Then please hand this to him, and say as how it's 'mportant. No arnser wanted." The servant received the note, and sententiously remarked, "Consider it done;" whereon the boy Bog hurriedly retreated, and hid himself in a doorway nearly opposite.

"The great chief, Bright Sun, has commanded us when we return to bring you into his presence, and it is time for us to go to him." "What does he want with us?" asked Albert. "He knows, but I do not," replied Lone Wolf sententiously. "Lead on," said Dick lightly. "Here, we go wherever we are invited."

Only, as she dreaded a scene, she crossed the kitchen and made her escape by the back stairs. She often went that way and in return had only to lift up her flounces. "When one is a good mother anything's excusable," said Mme Maloir sententiously when left alone with Mme Lerat. "Four kings," replied this lady, whom the play greatly excited. And they both plunged into an interminable game.

In England the communication of venereal disease by illicit intercourse is not an actionable wrong if the act of intercourse has been voluntary, even although there has been wilful and intentional concealment of the disease. Ex turpi causâ non oritur actio, it is sententiously said; for there is much dormitative virtue in a Latin maxim.

"He's a fine dorg," observed the railway policeman parenthetically, pacified by the coin he had received and willing on the strength of it to forget alike the onslaught on pussy and the broken glass. "Finest dorg I ever seed for a retriever, sir." "Ah, handsome is as handsome does!" replied the Captain sententiously. "Dogs, like children, ought to be taught to behave themselves."

"You've no objection, I hope?" Maraton remarked lightly. "That's as may be," Mr. Weavel observed sententiously. "We don't, so to speak, know exactly where we are just at this moment. There's all sorts of rumours going about, and we want them cleared up. Go on, Dale, ask him the first question. You're spokesman, you know." Mr.

The Pope had read rapidly through these objective facts, for He knew them well enough already, and was now studying with close attention the summary of his character, or rather, as the author rather sententiously explained, the summary of his self-manifestation to the world.

Pepper, stopping to untie a knot. "Folks who do so never have any candles," she added, sententiously. "How many'd you have, Polly?" asked Joel, curiously, laying down his hammer, and regarding her with the utmost anxiety. "Oh, two hundred!" said Polly, decidedly. "I'd have two hundred, all in a row!" "Two hundred candles!" echoed Joel, in amazement. "My whockety! what a lot!"

"Yours might," said the other sententiously. As he spoke he was making his way to the door. The sun was sinking now behind the range, and as he stood for a moment looking toward the west, he might himself have been seen to be a man of some stature, rugged and bronzed, with scores of wrinkles on his leathery cheeks.