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Frank had made a furious lunge at the "old man" and missed him by a hair's-breadth when he felt two great hairy arms encircle him from behind and the hot breath of one of his horrible opponents whistling savagely in his ear. He tried to lunge backwards at the creature, but toppled over and fell sprawling.

"Sacre!" he interrupted, starting savagely to his feet; "there is no question, monsieur, as to the reality of the injuries that I have suffered at the hands of your hateful countrymen " "Very well, monsieur," I cut in, speaking very quietly, "for argument's sake I will admit, if you like, that your injuries are both real and deep.

Heavy feet pounded on the platform of the blockhouse. While Tom was savagely jamming in powder and ball, the wicket gate of the fort opened, a man came out and ran to a house a biscuit's throw away, and ran back again before he was shot at, slamming the gate after him. Tom swore. "We've got but the ten rounds," he said, dropping his rifle to his knee. "I reckon 'tis no use to waste it."

In that it is for you to do as you may choose, but his estate here, or what is left of it, shall be kept intact for him." "What do you mean?" cried my father, and he sprang to his feet and slashed his boot savagely with his riding-whip.

"If it's that girl, make her tell," he savagely commanded. "Let's have no trifling about it. If it's the priest, then make him tell, or tie him up by the thumbs. Get that flag, or show some good reason for your failure. I'm not going to be baffled." The Captain's adventure with Father Beret came just in time to make it count against that courageous and bellicose missionary in more ways than one.

"You will be left here another twenty-four hours, without food or drink, if you do not give me a better answer to take," warned Gaston, leering down savagely into the boy's face. "Now, consider! Will you send word that you will be glad to see M. Lemaire in the morning?" "Yes; if he's going to be in state prison," mocked Benson, "and locked in a cell, as he should be." "Will you see him here?"

"Thou 'rt ever looking for every man to woo thee, but I'd have thee know there's one man, and his house not so far away, that's as near wooing me as thee." "Oh cruel, cruel Desirée to wound my fond hopes so savagely," began Priscilla; but Mary ever more practical than humorous interrupted her, "Why dost want to be a man, Desire?"

I jerked savagely at my signal-cord to let them know that I wanted to be pulled up, it was possible that I might reach the surface before being suffocated, but the cord offered no resistance; I pulled it toward me as I jerked. It had been cut or broken. "Then I took hold of my air-tube and pulled it. It, too, was unattached at the other end; it had no connection with the air-pump.

As I did so, the man Sam looked up, and exclaimed savagely: "Here, what the " but was instantly interrupted by one of his mates, who murmured a few words in his ear. "What is the matter?" demanded I, with a great affectation of innocence; "surely there is room in the boat for the few things belonging to the lady and myself?"

He digs his toes savagely into his elephant behind the ear; the line is closing up; every eye is fixed on the moving jungle ahead. The roaring of the flames behind, and the crashing of the dried reeds as the elephants force their ponderous frames through the intertwisted stems and foliage, are the only sounds that greet the ear. Suddenly you see the tawny yellow hide, as the tiger slouches along.