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Now, the Muskegon friend Davis was pretty well out of reach. But Pete Williams, only a few miles out of Saginaw, was easily accessible. And so it happened, on a bright October morning, when there came a frost that cut from Maine to Missouri, that a sudden fancy took me to use my new Billinghurst on something larger than squirrels.

The prayer was granted, and the lodges stood for many years in a safe and happy valley. Here is the myth of Endymion and Diana, as told on the shores of Saginaw Bay, in Michigan, by Indians who never heard of Greeks. Cloud Catcher, a handsome youth of the Ojibways, offended his family by refusing to fast during the ceremony of his coming of age, and was put out of the paternal wigwam.

A line of low waves, first creeping sinuously into the bay, and tossing their snowy crests like troops of wild steeds, rolled higher and higher with the noise of many waters; and to escape the wrath of the angry sea, we stopped at the harbor of Tawas City, located near the northern extremity of Saginaw Bay.

The 'Saginaw' was an American war-ship that had been sent with a contract party to Midway Island in the North Pacific some fifteen hundred miles west-north-west of the Sandwich Islands to blast the coral-reef there, in order to provide a harbourage for the line of large steamers running between San Francisco and China.

And in a place like this where there's nothing goin' on but silly billiards, or that bridge auction, a feller's gotta find some amusement, ain't he? Saginaw they comes to the house 'most every night Hoffmeyer and Raditz and " "Yes, I know," breaks in Zosco. "So that was the plot, was it, Ellery?" Ellery registers scorn. "Huh!" says he. "Don't let him put over any such fish tale on you.

"What are you going to do about it?" asked Denning at last. "What would you do?" countered Orde. "Well," said Denning slowly, and with a certain grim joy, "I don't bet those Saginaw river-pigs are any more two-fisted than the boys on this river. I'd go up and clean 'em out." "Won't do," negatived Orde briefly.

On Wednesday morning, the first beams of the new-born day had just appeared, when the yacht continued her voyage on Lake Huron. After a course of nearly twenty-two miles, we approached Saginaw Bay the largest indentation on the western lake shore comprising a width of thirty miles and a length of sixty miles.

I decline to commit myself in advance. When do we go?" "Tomorrow." "Pshaw! Boss Sparling seems to be in an awful hurry to get rid of us. All right, I'll go. I need a rest, anyway for my health. I've been working too hard so far this season." "Too bad about you," scoffed Phil. "We leave from Saginaw as early tomorrow as we can get away.

At nine-forty on the evening of the twenty-ninth an Air Defense Command radar station in central Michigan started to get plots on a target that was coming straight south across Saginaw Bay on Lake Huron at 625 miles an hour. A quick check of flight plans on file showed that it was an unidentified target.

Stocks are firm: that is a comfort for the English holders, and the confiscating process recommended by the Herald is at least deferred. A la bonne heure. The bond- and share-holders of the Saginaw must look for loss and depression in times of war. This is one of war's dreadful taxes and necessities; and all sorts of innocent people must suffer by the misfortune.