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The girl had been pretty, but was now emaciated and fever-burnt; she looked with ill-will at Sagaris, whom she believed, as did others of his acquaintance, to have murdered Marcian, and to have invented the story of his death at the hands of Basil.

When he had learned the quarters of the pursuing horsemen he sent Sagaris privily to speak with their leader, warning him to be ready to ride at daybreak. Such a message had of course nothing unexpected for its recipient, who looked upon Marcian as secretly serving Pelagius. It put his mind at ease and released him from the necessity of keeping a night watch.

He remarked that the face of Sagaris shone as though exultantly, but no indiscreet word dropped from the vaunter's lips. A useful fellow, murmured Marcian within himself, and smiled contempt. Another day or two of indecision, then in obedience to an impulse he could no longer resist, he sought speech with the deacon Pelagius.

His women were then seized, and the unhappy Zobeide, whose scandalous story had even reached Constantinople, sewn up in a leather sack, was flung into the Pursak a river whose waters mingle with those of the Sagaris.

Something so like a malicious smile flitted over the slave's countenance that in extremity of wrath he became mute. 'Your Nobility is deceived, said Sagaris, in the same moment. 'My lord expressly forbade me to tell you the truth, should I see you on my journey. Basil stared at him. 'I swear by the holy Cross, exclaimed the other, 'that this is true.

He desired to be alone and to think; for it seemed to him that he had not yet been able to reflect upon the story told by Sagaris. What was it that lurked there at the back of his mind? A memory, a suggestion of some sort, which would have helped him to understand could he but grasp it.

Caeneus slays Ortygius; Turnus victorious Caeneus; Turnus Itys and Clonius, Dioxippus, and Promolus, and Sagaris, and Idas where he stood in front of the turret top; Capys Privernus: him Themillas' spear had first grazed lightly; the madman threw down his shield to carry his hand to the wound; so the arrow winged her way, and pinning his hand to his left side, broke into the lungs with deadly wound.

Ah! and so it would be with her, were she weak enough to yield to her passion. Sagaris began to protest, to vow. 'It is vain, replied the amorous voice. 'Only in one way can you convince me and win me. 'Oh, how? 'Let me hear that Muscula is dead. Sagaris stood mute. A hand touched his shoulder, his hair; perfumes loaded the air about him. 'Tell me your name and it shall be done.

The porter said that his master had been absent since dawn, but Basil none the less entered, and, in the room where he and his friend were wont to talk, threw himself upon a couch to wait. He lay sunk in the most sombre thoughts, until at the door appeared Sagaris, who with the wonted suave servility, begged permission to speak to him.

It was possible that Marcian had either purposely concealed his journey from this slave, and had suddenly found himself able to set forth just after Sagaris had started. 'You bear a letter for the king? he asked. 'A letter, Illustrious, answered the slave, speaking very low. 'Ah, a letter?