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She emerged gasping from the shower, and all she could say was: "Yes: it would be very genteel. And I must say I always did like them hand-painted artistic things. But do you really think it would be safe, Father?" "Safe? Pooh! Safe's the bank!" They were in for it. Of course they were going to discuss it back and forth for months, and sit up nights to make figures on the backs of laundry-bills.

He brought his big hand down on the table with a thump. "By your own carelessness. Now, look here, Race, I've made allowances for you, because...." "You don't need to soft soap me, Senator; save that for your office seekers." The agent was fast working himself into another passion. "I've not ruined you, and you know it. A safe's a safe, isn't it? Instead of ruining you, I'm trying to save you.

Then he had a vision. He saw himself drilling into a safe. Then came a dull explosion and when the safe's door was torn from its hinges he saw himself upon his knees filling a large bag with the gold coins which poured out of the dynamited treasure box. Then he saw Joe and himself dressed in the best that money could purchase, speeding along aboard a Pullman to Rugby, North Dakota.

For Jeames Gracie, he maun hae his share o' the siller because o' the croft: we maun calculate it fairly. He'll no want muckle mair i' this warl'. Aggie 'ill be as safe's an angel ony gait. An', Cosmo, whatever God may mean to du wi' you i' this warl', ye'll hae an abundant entrance ministered to ye intil the kingdom' o' oor Lord an' Saviour.

"Why, that's safest, brother Tony," said the farmer. "And safe's my game always was, always will be! Do you think" Anthony sucked his grog to the sugar-dregs, till the spoon settled on his nose "do you think I should hold the position I do hold, be trusted as I am trusted? Ah! you don't know much about that.

"When Ferguson left here carrying off the securities from under my nose almost I had spent the whole day trying to learn the safe's combination; I trailed him to the Club de Vingt, and heard the head waiter tell him you, Mr. Kent, were sitting in the small smoking porch, so I climbed up the trumpet vine; oh, it was strong and no climb for one who has done the feats I have in the circus.

"Noo ye're oot, laird, hadna ye better come wi' me hame to Miss Horn's, whaur ye wad be as safe's gien ye war in h'aven itsel'?" "Na, I canna gang to Miss Horn's," he replied. "What for no, laird?" Pulling Malcolm down towards him, the laird whispered in his ear, "'Cause she's fleyt at my back." A moment or two passed ere Malcolm could think of a reply both true and fitting.

With the rope in his hand, he walked down the incline, and kneeling by Florimel, close to the broken wall, proceeded to pass the rope under and round her waist, talking to her, as he did so, in the tone of one encouraging a child. "Noo, my leddy! Noo, my bonny leddy! Ae meenute, an' ye're as safe's gien ye lay i' yer minnie's lap!" "I daren't get up, Malcolm! I daren't turn my back to it!

"Why, that's safest, brother Tony," said the farmer. "And safe's my game always was, always will be! Do you think" Anthony sucked his grog to the sugar-dregs, till the spoon settled on his nose "do you think I should hold the position I do hold, be trusted as I am trusted? Ah! you don't know much about that.

"I don't understand you," replied the priest, who certainly felt surprised at seeing himself surrounded by so many constables, for it was impossible any longer to mistake them. "What do you mean, my friend? or who do you suppose me to be?" The constable gave him a knowing wink, adding with as knowing an air "It's no go here, my lad safe's the word.