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These showy warriors arranged themselves silently on either side of the crimson throne, and were followed by half a dozen dazzling personages, the foremost crowned with mitre, armed with crozier, and robed in the ecclesiastical glory of an archbishop, but the face underneath, to the deep surprise and scandal of Sir Norman, was that of the fastest young roue of Charles court, after him came another pompous dignitary, in such unheard of magnificence that the unseen looker-on set him down for a prime minister, or a lord high chancellor, at the very least.

Here was, in truth, a new game, a game most entertaining, and most profitable, and not in the least risky. Immediately after the adventure with the advertiser, Mary decided that a certain General Hastings would make an excellent sacrifice on the altar of justice and to her own financial profit. The old man was a notorious roue, of most unsavory reputation as a destroyer of innocence.

He was very wealthy, but was a perfect type of the roue, although a good education and remarkable control of himself rendered it difficult for his acquaintances to charge him with dissipation, or any conduct unworthy of ft gentleman. As this gentleman will occupy a somewhat conspicuous position in our tale, we deem it necessary to go into these particulars.

It is a trifle strange that those good people who value female purity so highly that they would reform every roue in Christendom to secure it, have little or nothing to say about the chief cause of hymeneal infidelity, loveless marriages. No woman who really loves her husband can be untrue to him. Duty and inclination point the same way.

"I have been spared that necessity," said he, "but I know all about them, and I assert to you upon my honor as a courier and the best guide in the Archipelago that Jupiter is the worst old roué a country ever had saddled upon it; Apollo's music would drive you mad and make you welcome a xylophone duet; and as for Mercury's business capacity, that is merely a capacity for getting away from his creditors.

Thus perished George Radcliff the elegant roue the heartless libertine the man of pleasure brilliant in intellect, beautiful in person, generous in heart but how debased in soul! They laid the corpse down upon the smooth, green sward, and spread a handkerchief over the pale, ghastly features.

"I do, it is Sir John Tyrrell!" replied Lady Harriett: "he only came to Cheltenham yesterday. His is a very singular history." "What is it?" said I, eagerly. "Why! he was the only son of a younger branch of the Tyrrells; a very old family, as the name denotes. He was a great deal in a certain roue set, for some years, and was celebrated for his affaires du coeur.

They are not without interest, for Pryse Gordon, though a bit of a roué, is a clever fellow in his way.

They become weak, pale, and feeble in mind, while all that was manly and vigorous has gone out of them. Now which of the two is preferable the pride of a virtuous youth, or the roué exhausted and worn out by sexual abuses?

The truth is, that if Arthur had been the most determined roue and artful Lovelace who ever set about deceiving a young girl, he could hardly have adopted better means for fascinating and overcoming poor little Fanny Bolton than those which he had employed on the previous night. Many novels had Fanny read, in secret and at home, in three volumes and in numbers.