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Within the last two years the question of colour has greatly preoccupied the French military authorities, who have been seeking an invisible blue; and the range of their experiments is proved by the extraordinary variety of shades of blue, ranging from a sort of greyish robin's-egg to the darkest navy, in which the army is clothed.

He must have had some difficulty organizin' his expedition, for that same afternoon, when I eases myself off the 4:03 at Piping Rock having quit early, as a private sec-de-luxe should now and then who should show up at the station but Mr. Cutler in his robin's-egg blue sport phaeton with the white wire wheels. "I say," he says, "didn't Bob come out, too?" "No," says I. "I think he and Mrs.

In its solid rooms Carol and Kennicott found prints from other days which the house had seen tail-coats of robin's-egg blue, clumsy Red River carts laden with luxurious furs, whiskered Union soldiers in slant forage caps and rattling sabers. It suggested to them a common American past, and it was memorable because they had discovered it together.

He ran into the bedroom, the bath. She was not there. A negligee of robin's-egg blue laid out upon the bed diffused a faint perfume, illusive and familiar. On a chair were a pair of stockings and a street dress; an open powder box yawned upon the bureau. She must just have gone out. The telephone rang abruptly and he started answered it with all the sensations of an impostor. "Hello. Is Mrs.

By the end of May Clo's broken ribs had mended. The first day when she was up and dressed, able to go downstairs, and out for a spin in the renovated blue car, she was a very different looking girl from the battered wisp of humanity whose blood had stained the "robin's-egg" cloth and silk. It was Sunday, and Clo was burning with excitement. She was to meet her Angel's husband for the first time.

There was no perceptible cosmetic on her face, which had a clean and healthy look as though she had just given it a vigorous washing. She wore a black hat with a great flare to the brim on one side. It was trimmed very dashingly with black feathers, imitation jet, and a little puff of plush robin's-egg blue.

She bought and bought, being real careful of course to ask only for the things she knew he had; and to top it all she bought four quarts of robin's-egg blue paint. You know that's Uncle Tony's favor-ite woodwork paint and nobody goes in there for paint but what he's trying to get them to buy robin's-egg blue.

On the walls were designs in colour, square spots of robin's-egg blue, set in ornate frames of gilt, whose corners were elaborate mouldings of fruit and flowers, with fat cupids hovering in angelic comfort. On the ceilings were coloured traceries with more gilt, leading to a centre where spread a cluster of lights incandescent globes mingled with glittering prisms and stucco tendrils of gilt.

"Isaiah? Isaiah who?" "I don't know his last name, but he's got a whole lot of first ones. That's him, up on that shelf." He pointed to a much battered wooden figure attached to the edge of the shelf upon the wall. The figure was that of a little man holding a set of mill arms in front of him. The said mill arms were painted a robin's-egg blue, and one was tipped with black.

She glanced into the small front chamber which had been decorated with a pink paper and robin's-egg blue paint. "Pretty, ain't it?" Horatio observed, seeking his crumb of appreciation. "It's a very nice home, Horatio I'm sure you displayed excellent taste in your choice," his mother replied. "Pretty? ... It's just awful!" Milly burst forth, unable to control herself longer.