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Your people dispersed, broken, gone, or cut to ribbands by the redcoats. 'Der deyvil! this coast is fatal to me. 'Ye may hae mair reason to say sae. While this dialogue went forward, Bertram and Dinmont had both gained the interior of the cave and assumed an erect position.

Then she introduced him to Medius, and finally enquired about Marcus and his horses, and whether he had any chance of winning the race. The countryman answered all her questions; and when, presently, a flower-girl came along the ranks of seats, selling wreaths of blue and red flowers and ribbands, Demetrius bought two lovely olive-wreaths to fling to the winner his brother he hoped.

I found my maid and the house-maid looking out of the window to see my father get into his carriage, which was new painted; the servants had new liveries, and fine white ribbands in their hats; and then I perceived my father had left off his mourning. The maids were dressed in new coloured gowns and white ribbands.

The men having store of ribbands of divers colours about their waists, and at their knees, and in their hats. The women with their spots on their noses, cheeks, and foreheads rings on their fingers cuffs double, like a butcher in his white sleeves ribbands about their arms, hands, back, waists, knees and hats like unto fidlers' bags is not this the devil's adorning?

He read it slowly with a perfectly blank expression, as if it concerned some one he did not know. Once only, when he came upon the allusion to the little girl, his eyes left the page and glanced quietly down at the large red felt hat with its knot of ribbands that moved along beside him, and hid all the child's face except the delicate chin and the corner of the pathetic little mouth.

The testimony of George Fox as to England's fashions in 1654, is very pointed and extremely droll: Men and women are carried away with fooleries and vanities; gold and silver upon their backs, store of ribbands hanging about the waist, knees, and feet red or white, black or yellow; women with their gold; their spots on their faces, noses, cheeks, foreheads; rings on their fingers, cuffs double, like a butcher's white sleeves; ribbands about their hands, and three or four gold laces about their clothes; men dressed like fiddlers' boys or stage players; see them playing at bowls, or at tables, or at shovel-board, or each one decking his horse with bunches of ribbands on his head, as the rider hath on his own.

It is one of those large wholesale houses of the French metropolis that transact business with all parts of the world in lace, ribbands, and silks; it is situated at No. 2ter, Rue Choiseul, the firm is Messrs.

We happened to have with us a few nails and ribbands, and some paper, with which our guests were so gratified, that at our coming away they filled our boat with dried fish, of which we perceived they had laid up great quantities.

But she had arranged them with great skill to set each other off; tied together by their own ribbands, catching up the shimmer of her dress. Mr. Falkirk looked, and the fact that his face expressed nothing at all was rather significant. One glance at the girl's face he gave, and turned away. 'Take care, my dear, he said. 'Of what, sir? 'How do you know but those flowers are bewitched?

"Took occasion to fall out with my wife very highly about her ribbands being ill matcht and of two colours, and to very high words, so that I did call her Beaste." So home in good time, and do find Sam'l and our she-cousin Scott very merry with capping of Epitaphs and sayings, wherein I also delighte. A very merry witty woman and harmlesse.