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El señor de Gorostiza, poeta ya conocido en nuestro teatro moderno, se ha apoderado de una idea feliz y ha escogido un asunto de la mayor importancia. ¿Halo desempeñado como de su talento nos debíamos prometer ? Oiga el lector el argumento, y podrá responder a tan atrevida pregunta.

The woman is now the initiator, man the responder. They seem to play each other's parts. But man is purely male, playing woman's part, and woman is purely female, however manly. The gulf between Heliogabalus, or the most womanly man on earth, and the most manly woman, is just the same as ever: just the same old gulf between the sexes. The man is male, the woman is female.

Jamás le tan fosco ... la carta traería sin duda alguna pimienta y ... pero esto no quita que yo trate de dorar la píldora ... no sea también que se enfade y que yo vaya a pagar lo que no debo. DON EDUARDO. ¡Lo que tarda este Bruno! BRUNO. Nadie puede responder de un primer pronto, y.... BRUNO. Perdone usted, señor don Eduardo, si no he vuelto tan luego como ... me entretuve aquí en....

He advised us to put aside our writing work, to write letters, read, make personal jottings, talk, though there was no inquisition into such things. Father Payne was a somewhat irregular responder, but it was a pleasure to sit near him, because his deep, rapid voice gave a new quality to the words.

This is disclosed by his own description of his behaviour to a dullard who made his life at Salamanca a burden: 'Acerca del capítulo cuarto, demás de lo dicho digo que creo que este testigo es un bachiller Rodriguez, y por otro nombre el doctor Sutil que en Salamanca llaman por burla; y sospécholo de que dice en este capítulo que le dejé sin respuesta, porque jamás dejé de responder á ninguna persona de aquella universidad que me preguntase algo, sino a éste que digo, con el cual por ser falto de juicio y preguntar algunas veces cosas desatinadas, y colligir disparates de lo que oia y no entendia, me enojaba y le decia que era tonto.

It was only a question of time before the detector would pick up the clear beam on the Onzar fleet, even in the midst of battle. At last it came through. Across space, the automatic code responder finally could be heard. Thane gave his own code and said, "A direct to Garth. Top urgent." "That code has been changed," the mechanical voice replied at once. "Give current code."

I am going away f-f-for ever an' ever!" "Amen!" responded Natty, from the mere force of habit, for he was a constant responder at granny's family worship. "Ye don't know that, darlin'," replied old Nell. "The Lord leads us in ways that we know not, an' it may be His good pleasure to bring you here again."