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Perchance you can persuade him more easily; but I can take no refusal." After searching for some time, Ford was found concealed in the hold, into which he had crawled. The water, however, coming in, had somewhat frightened him, and he was just creeping out of his concealment. Not unwillingly, Wenlock brought him on deck, and assigned him a place at one of the pumps.

What a strange accident it was, what a strange thing that Sharnall should have been haunted by that wandering fancy of a man following him with a hammer, and then have been found in this very loft, with the desperate wound on him that the pedal-note had dealt! How much had happened his own proposal to Anastasia, his refusal, and now that event for which the bells were ringing!

Why, he was proud of her! She had done something to make the Putney cousins proud of her! When Uncle Henry came to the part where she went on asking for employment after one and then another refusal, Cousin Ann reached out her long arms and quickly, almost roughly, gathered Betsy up on her lap, holding her close as she listened. Betsy had never before sat on Cousin Ann's lap.

Andor had adjured her to wait for him: and Elsa was still young just sixteen when Andor went away. She was in no hurry to get married. No one, of course, guessed the reason of her obstinate refusal of all the best matrimonial prizes in the county. No one guessed her secret the depth of her love for Andor her promise to wait for him her mother guessed it least of all.

I'd be glad, for old times' sake. And the cook wanted me to tell you that, being as she's got another job in sight and was paid up to date, she wouldn't wait for notice, but was leaving immediate. She's gone already, miss." The second maid went also. But Annie, Irish and grateful, refused to go. Her mother came to back her in the refusal.

"Resolved, Further, that in case of their refusal to render such service they be driven from the doors of the relief trains and warned to vacate the premises." Hospitals and Morgues. Those who doubt that many thousands lost their lives in this disaster have not visited the morgues.

When I returned to my apartments I found Brigitte reading those same fateful letters from N . I told her that I could not remain longer in suspense, and that I wished to be relieved from it at any cost; that I desired to know the cause of the sudden change which had taken place in her, and that, if she refused to speak, I should look upon her silence as a positive refusal to go abroad with me and an order for me to leave her forever.

The judge, who was bending over his papers trying to find something to sustain his position, did not perceive this. "But then," said the latter, "how do you explain Guespin's refusal to speak and to give an account of where he spent the night?" M. Lecoq had now recovered from his emotion, and Dr.

Religion might, therefore, refuse to define its position in reference to theories which are still of a quite problematic and hypothetical nature. But by giving such a refusal, religion would not act in its own interest.

"Sound and well!" replied Sir Austin. "And yours?" "Oh, Lipscombe's always the same!" Lord Heddon sighed peevishly. "He's quiet that's one good thing; but there's no getting the country to take him, so I must give up hopes of that." Lord Lipscombe entering the room just then, Sir Austin surveyed him, and was not astonished at the refusal of the country to take him.