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"Our first object will be to identify every man who is in this raid against us. When we succeed then we will know just what to do." "Then we know how to employ our time until Redalli arrives in town." "Yes." "And we will lay everything before him. In the meantime there is no danger." "Unless he may get on to Wadleigh. How much did he learn from that fellow?"

One of the men he recognized at a glance and he muttered: "Can it be possible?" As the three men entered Girard rose to his feet and greeted the man whom our hero had recognized. He exclaimed as he extended his hand: "Redalli, I am glad to greet you, and let me tell you that you have arrived just in time." "Bah! I've heard all about it. You gentlemen are too easily frightened.

Like a night sprite Cad glided away and Oscar fell to the shadow of the man Redalli. He followed him to the Hoboken ferry, crossed on the same boat with him, and saw him enter a house situated in the midst of a large plot of ground covered by lines of trees. The detective was satisfied. He had the meeting-house, as he called it, located.

I would not chance even on your positive assurance, but Redalli says it is all right, and he is the boss. He takes the responsibility." As intimated, Oscar started for Hoboken in company with the siren and two trusty men followed his steps. Our hero was determined that there should be no miss. He had provided against every possible contingency. He arrived at the house.

Why did you not dispose of him?" "We have completed our plans." Girard proceeded and related all the arrangements for disposing of Oscar and all the other men who might be working with him. Redalli listened attentively and finally said: "That is all right; but, gentlemen, we will make a fortune anyhow. We can move on while these men are locating us.

All operations must cease until our enemies are removed. We must go back to the old game and do a little dropping out and make the road clear again." "That is just what we must do. We certainly have some information for our friends." "We have; and there must be a meeting. All work must stop. Word must be sent out all along the line." "Yes, sir, and at once. When will Redalli return?"

"What have you made out, Oscar?" "Cad, we've worked up the job of our lives. We've got the whole business. Now then, you lay to my trail, for I must shadow Redalli." "You've got him?" "Yes." "And the woman?" "You were right. She is a siren indeed, but I will amuse her. Good-night for the present. Go, for here comes our game."

There is nothing to fear." "That man is now known as Redalli, eh?" muttered Oscar, and there came a gleam in his eyes which few could read. "We do not scare, as easily as you think, Redalli. I tell you there is a man on our track who is quietly running us down, and if we do not dispose of him he will spoil all our work of years." "We will dispose of him; but what have you gentlemen been doing?

He parted from the woman, threw her and her friends off his track and lay low for a fresh "shadow" on Redalli, and in due time he got on the track of his man. Several days passed, and Cad and Oscar followed their lead. Our hero several times met the woman Libbie Van Zant and made her feel very good.

"What's your pull to-night?" "You have visitors in your house." The man trembled. "Are you sure?" "Yes, and mark me, I know it all; yes, all. There is nothing for you in it only through me. Mark well my words: I can trust you; if not, it's bad for you." "What is it you're after?" "I am close down on this whole business." "What business?" "You want it straight?" "Yes." "Redalli."